Determination based on the Nusselt method heat flow from surface rotation
Leonid Kutsenko
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Andrii Kalinovsky
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Elena Sukharkova
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Svitlana Bordiuzhenko
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Maxim Zhuravskij
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Keywords: radiative heat transfer, surface of rotation, flame torch shape, Nusselt method, radial-parallel projection
An approximate method for the numerical determination of the heat flux, which is radiated by a surface of revolution, and which reaches a figure of a given shape on the coordinate plane, is considered. The method is based on a graphical-analytical method for an approximate estimate of the heat flux (the Nusselt method or the unit-radius sphere method). Graph-analytical actions consist in the construction and description of a radial-parallel projection of the radiation source, directed to the figure of the heat receiver. As a result, we obtain a projection of the radiation source, the area of which must be compared with the area of a circle of unit radius that envelops it. The numerical value of the ratio of these areas will determine the measure of heat that will reach a certain point in the figure of the heat sink (local angular coefficient of radiation). But the application of the Nusselt method in such a "natural" interpretation in practice is associated with difficulties in calculating the indicated areas. The reason is the incomparable distances between the nodal points of the radial-parallel projection and the distances to the surface of revolution. To implement the Nusselt method in practice, it is necessary to generalize the scheme for describing and constructing a radially parallel projection of a radiation source. In the paper, a description of the radially parallel projection of coaxial circles located on the level planes of the surface of revolution, a description of the radially parallel projection of the axial vertical section of the surface of revolution, as well as formulas for calculating the integral angular coefficients of radiation for the considered case of surfaces are found. This problem was solved by using a projection relationship between an object and its radial-parallel projection. The results obtained can be used in practice in the form of a system for modeling and predicting emergency situations that occur on gas pipelines to assess heat flows from a virtual flame to the surfaces of buildings and structures.
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Valentyna Iurchenko
M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv
Svetlana Tkachenko
M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv
Yulia Levashova
M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv
Natalia Kosenko
M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv
Oksana Melnikova
M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv
Ganna Chernyshenko
M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv
Keywords: activated sludge, flakes, technological characteristics, shape, dimensions, structure, sedimentation properties, adhesion
For the quantitative control of the technological characteristics of activated sludge in biological treatment plants, a computerized method was developed as part of the presented research, the use of which increases the reliability and man-made safety of the operation of biological treatment plants. The methodology is based on the quantitative determination of geometric (area, volume) and morphological (shape and structure) characteristics of activated sludge flakes during the processing of microphotographs of sludge in the Image J software product. Photographing of microscopic images of sludge was performed at a magnification of 100 times and zoomed using micrometer eyepiece. Currently, the morphological characteristics of activated sludge are determined only visually, which does not allow averaging the data of a large number of samples and generally determines the subjective nature of the assessments. Studies of sludge flakes in adhesions on membranes of a membrane biological reactor showed that flakes from the surface aerobic zone of adhesions have a somewhat rounder shape, smaller linear dimensions, area and volume than sludge flakes from the anaerobic zone in the depth of adhe-sions. Studies of the effect of magnesium ions on the properties of activated sludge flakes showed that with an increase in the concentration of magnesium in the sludge liquid, there is a decrease in the roundness of the flakes, a slight deterioration of the structure, but there is a much more significant increase in linear dimensions (by almost 60 %), area (by 134 %) and extraordinary increase (by 275 %) in the volume of flakes. These indicators indicate an improvement in the technological properties of the flakes and a reduction in their ability to stick to the reactor membranes. The developed computerized technique makes it possible to significantly detail and clarify the results of visual evaluations of the technological characteristics of activated sludge flakes and to detect the smallest changes in the morphological indicators of flakes in various wastewater treatment technologies in a large array of data.
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Determination of the electrical conductorsparameters in the emergency mode of operation
Yaroslav Kalchenko
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Kostiantyn Afanasenko
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Volodymyr Lypovyi
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Mykhailo Pikalov
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Keywords: conductor temperature, short circuit, electric current multiplicity, current-carrying core temperature
Studies were conducted to determine the parameters of electrical conductors with different cross-sections when a short circuit occurs. The temperature dependences of the current-carrying core of electrical conductors are plotted, depending on the electric current passing through it during a short circuit during the tripping of the protection device. Numerical dependences of the temperature of the current-carrying cores of electric cables with different cross-sections depending on the multiplicity of the electric current are determined, which are presented in the form of a table. The minimum values of the time to reach the temperature of the current-carrying core of electric cables and the ignition temperature of their insulation are determined. It was determined that even if the temperature of the current-carrying core of the electric cable reaches the melting temperature of its insulation, the melting process will not occur if the protection device is in good working order. The parameters of electrical conductors at which ignition of their insulation may occur due to a short circuit are determined. The graphs of the dependence of the multiplicity of the electric current on the time of the short circuit at which the insulation temperature of the electric cables with different cross-sections will reach its ignition temperature are plotted. From the analysis of these dependencies, it follows that depending on the multiplicity of the electric current during a short circuit, electric cables with copper current-carrying cores heat up faster than electric cables with aluminum cores of the same section, which is associated with higher values of permissible currents for conductors with copper cores. It was determined that even at small multiples of the short-circuit current, ignition of the electrical wiring insulation can occur. The minimum values of the parameters of electrical conductors have been determined, at which, in the event of a short circuit in the electrical network with a faulty protection device, ignition of their insulation may occur, which will lead to a fire.
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Simulation of the movement of an unmanned aircraft in the emergency zone
Oleksandr Kovalev
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Ihor Neklonskyi
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Keywords: unmanned aerial vehicle, motion simulation, model, destination point, coordinates, maneuver
The work reveals problematic issues related to the introduction of unmanned aerial vehicles into the system of operational actions of civil defense units and the integration of their use into a single management system for liquidation of an emergency situation. A mathematical model for simulating the movement of unmanned aerial vehicles in a high-quality zone has been developed. It is supposed to be used in the process of exchanging information between the elements of the automated control system. This model makes it possible to make a logical conclusion about the achievement of the required destination point by the air object. The model description algorithm is reduced to the analytical movement of an aerial object with the corresponding possible maneuver in the geographic coordinate system. The work of the model can take place in several cycles. Reproduction of the movement of an aerial object is carried out taking into account all types of maneuver. With this, each point of movement change will be considered as an intermediate point of the object, the final destination point has not been reached. The conditions under which the air object will reach the desired destination point are given. It is substantiated that their correct application will be only within a clear section of changes in the calculation parame-ters of search and rescue operations. The model allows for multiple calculations based on different options for the input data set. The model can be used as a separate block of the model of operational actions, which is conducted by all active elements of the system. The proposed approach makes it possible to improve the management of operational actions of rescue formations. The obtained results can be considered as a component of the information model of preparation and decision-making processes..
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Roman Kovalenko
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Sergii Nazarenko
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Borys Kryvoshei
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Ihor Morozov
National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine
Valeriya Semkiv
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Keywords: dangerous events, civil protection forces, operational readiness, martial law, Poisson distribution, populated area
The process of operational functioning of civil defense units under martial law was studied and a significant increase in the volume of their work compared to the period before the introduction of martial law was established. As statistical data, information on the specified process, which is related to extinguishing fires in urban settlements of the Kharkiv region for the period of 2021 and 2022, was used. The most rapid growth of dangerous events related to fires was found in residential buildings and structures, as well as in industrial buildings, production workshop buildings, industrial warehouse buildings, structures and external installations. Extinguishing fires mainly takes place without installing fire trucks on the water source, as well as with their installation on the external fire water main. The total consumption of water in more than 94 % of cases during extinguishing of fires in houses and residential buildings for the period of 2022 did not exceed 12 l/s. Greater water consumption was observed when extinguishing fires in industrial buildings, production workshop buildings, industrial warehouse buildings, structures and external installations. For the named group of objects, in 76 % of cases, water consumption for fire extinguishing did not exceed 12 l/s. It was established that the process of occurrence of dangerous events associated with fires in the territory of urban settlements cannot be described by the Poisson distribution law. On the basis of statistical data, the main requirements for fire tankers, which are operated in urban settlements under martial law, have been developed. The results of the research can be used to develop measures aimed at increasing the operational readiness of the civil defense forces to perform actions as assigned under martial law conditions.
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