Levterow Alexander
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Statyvka Yevhenii
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52363/2524-0226-2023-38-20
Keywords: acoustic device, sensor, acoustic resistance, reflection coefficient, visual control
Experimentally determined correction values of the distance to the obstacle depending on the acoustic impedance of the environment for the acoustic device of the rescuer's equipment. The measurement results were obtained using the developed experimental setup, which took into account, in real time, changes in acoustic impedance and temperature of the environment using a two-channel temperature meter and an optical penetration sensor of the environment. The temperature of the environment (in the confined space) varied from 20 °C to 60 °C, and the optical penetration index from 0 to 100 %, where 100 % corresponds to complete optical opacity of the environment. Dependencies of the propagation of acoustic waves upon changing the optical permeability of the medium and temperature were obtained. The correction value for the distance to the obstacle calculated by the acoustic device at a distance of 1000 mm was (+0,013 m). The relative error during the measurements did not exceed 2 %. It was found that when the wave impedance increases, the indicators of the distance to the obstacle decrease, so the corrective dependence has a positive value. The obtained results make it possible to increase the reliability of the readings of the acoustic device as an additional equipment of the rescuer. The data obtained as a result of the experiment make it possible to display the shape of the obstacle in more detail. Approximating polynomials of the reflection coefficient of acoustic waves depending on the volume content of inclusions at angles of incidence from 0 °С to 30 °С have been determined. The use of the obtained polynomials allows to increase the speed of the program code of the control microcontroller of the acoustic device. The obtained dependencies are taken into account in the calculation algorithm of the program code of the microcontroller of the acoustic device for determining the shape and distance to the obstacle, which makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the rescuer's orientation in conditions of unsatisfactory visual control during emergency rescue operations.
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Study of extinguishing a model fire of class "B" with bulk materials
Makarenko Viktoriya
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Kireev Oleksandr
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Chyrkina-Kharlamova Maryna
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Minska Natalya
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Sharshanov Andrew
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52363/2524-0226-2023-38-19
Keywords: flammable liquids, gasoline, fire-extinguishing properties, expanded perlite, crushed foam glass, composition optimization
The costs of components of the fire extinguishing system based on light loose materials for extinguishing a medium-sized class "B" model fire were experimentally determined. According to the results of preliminary studies on extinguishing a model fire of class "B" of small sizes, as components of such a system, granular foam glass with a granule size of 10–15 mm, expanded perlite with a granule size of 1,2±0,2 mm or vermiculite with a plate size of 1×2 mm and sprayed water. Styrofoam in such a system ensures its buoyancy and cooling of the surface layer of the burning liquid. The fine powder of expanded perlite improves the insulating properties of the fire extinguishing system. The water supplied to the upper layer of loose materials, in addition to increasing the insulating and cooling properties of the system, ensured the long-term absence of re-ignition. To increase the economic parameters of the fire extinguishing system, its composition was optimized according to the effect-cost parameter. It was established that the lowest economic costs for extinguishing gasoline are provided by the sequential supply of three components: crushed foam glass, dispersed expanded perlite and sprayed water with such specific surface costs – 6,7 kg/m2, 1,6 kg/m2 and 2,0 kg/m2 in accordance. For the optimized composition, a study was carried out on extinguishing a standard model fire 2"B", the results of which are close to the results obtained on model fires of small and medium sizes. It is shown that the proposed fire extinguishing system based on light loose materials has advantages in terms of economic and environmental parameters compared to existing and previously proposed means of extinguishing flammable liquids. Means of feeding light loose materials are proposed. The areas of work in the implementation of a fire extinguishing system based on light loose materials in the practice of fire extinguishing have been noted.
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Pospelov Boris
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Meleschenko Ruslan
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Bezuhla Yuliiy
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Yashchenko Оlexander
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Melnychenko Andrii
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Samoilov Mykhailo
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52363/2524-0226-2023-38-17
Keywords: ignition of materials, gaseous environment of premises, dangerous fire parameters, bicoherence, dynamics of dangerous parameters
The object of the study is the bicoherence of the dynamics of dangerous parameters of the gas environment during the ignition of materials in the premises. Part of the problem that was solved consists in identifying the features of the bicoherence of the dynamics of dangerous parameters of the gas environment in the absence and occurrence of fires in the premises. The results of the research indicate that the nature of the dynamics of the studied hazardous parameters of the gas environment in the absence and presence of material ignition is significantly different from the Gaussian distribution. It was found that bicoherence, in contrast to the traditional spectrum of the dynamics of dangerous parameters of the gas environment, has significantly greater informational features and can be used for early detection of fires. It was established that the information features of the bicoherence dynamics of the main hazardous parameters of the gas environment are the configuration, number and position of limited areas corresponding to full coherence or full opposite coherence, as well as the type of frequency triplets that are characteristic of such limited areas. In addition, a feature of the bicoherence of the dynamics of hazardous parameters of the gas environment is also the presence of large areas with characteristics close to the zero level of the proposed measure of bicoherence. The presence of such regions in the bicoherence diagrams indicates the loss of coherence for the corresponding set of triplets. According to the results of the experiment, it was established that this feature of bicoherence is characteristic for the dynamics of carbon monoxide during the ignition of alcohol and wood, as well as for the dynamics of temperature during the ignition of alcohol, paper, and textiles. In practice, the novelty and originality of the obtained research results is related to the possibility of using the bicoherence of the dynamics of dangerous gas environment parameters to detect fires in order to prevent fires in premises.
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Ostapov Kostiantyn
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Senchykhyn Iurii
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Avetisian Vadim
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Haponenko Yuri
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Kirichenko Igor
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52363/2524-0226-2023-38-18
Keywords: flammable substance, gel-forming composition, subway car, undercarriage extinguishing trolley
The effectiveness of extinguishing fires in the undercarriage space of cars at subway stations has been increased due to the use of a special trolley for supplying gel-forming compounds to hard-to-reach places under subway cars. In order to ensure the delivery of the gelling system to hard-to-reach places under the subway cars, it is proposed to use a special cart that moves inside the main track of the subway in the deepened tray of the water collector, thanks to a cable winch on the «pull-push» principle with an autonomous electric reversing drive. To confirm the effectiveness of extinguishing, on a special stand that allowed changing the position of the model hearth in space, to the position of the conventional ceiling-floor, comparative experiments were conducted for three types of the most common fire extinguishing agents, with the determination of the average values of the time and consumption of fire extinguishing agents for fire extinguishing, with at different angles of inclination of their submission. It is recognized that the use of gel-forming compounds when extinguishing equipment elements in the undercarriage space helps to reduce extinguishing costs and allows to extinguish the fire under the car 2,5 times faster. It was established that the change in the angle of inclination of the burning surface significantly affects the effectiveness of extinguishing with water and fire-extinguishing powder. The obtained data confirm the expediency of creating special carts for undercarriage extinguishing using fire-extinguishing gelling compounds. The obtained results are useful and im-portant, as they confirm the increase in the effectiveness of extinguishing the weighted space with gel-forming compositions, reflect a reduction in times of time and consumption of fire extinguishing agent when using gel-forming compositions. The use of a special weighted extinguishing cart with gel-forming compositions allows automated remote extinguishing in hard-to-reach places of the weighted space, which significantly increases the safety of rescuers when extinguishing such fires.
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Matukhno Vasyl
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Morshch Evgen
Department of Emergency Prevention of the SES
Kornienko Ruslan
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Vavreniuk Sergei
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52363/2524-0226-2023-38-16
Keywords: explosive object, dangerous territory, humanitarian demining, pyrotechnic units, non-technical inspection
A “combined” method of practical research has been developed as part of a non-technical survey of a territory likely contaminated with explosive objects, which will reduce the time of such survey and reduce the risk of injury to personnel of pyrotechnic units due to the absence of physical contact of personnel with the likely contaminated territory. A mathematical model of a “combined” method for practical research of a supposedly contaminated territory with explosive objects during non-technical inspection has been developed. The mathematical model was obtained from the results of collecting indirect evidence, where the status of an explosive object is not determined. A control algorithm for implementing the “combined” proposed method has been developed, which takes into account the area of the suspicious dangerous territory, which is examined by one non-technical survey group based on the collection of direct and indirect evidence. In addition, when constructing the algorithm, indicators such as the number of groups, the level and type of their equipment were taken into account. The algorithm consists of 12 blocks located at 7 hierarchical levels and connected by direct and feedback connections. When determining the area to be cleared of explosive objects, the area of the territory that has received confirmation of the status of a dangerous zone and the area of the territory of a confirmed dangerous zone are taken into account when checking indirect evidence of a possibly contaminated territory by excluding this territory from the total area of a possibly contaminated territory. The implementation of the proposed method (due to visualization of the area in a 3-D projection with the determination of the exact geographical coordinates of local and general zones of the dangerous territory) will reduce the time of non-technical inspection by 3.9 times, as well as reduce the time of complete demining and clearing land from explosive objects, increase the level of security for civilians in cleared areas.
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