Development of a fire-proof coating containing silica for polystyrene
Lysak Nataliia
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Skorodumova Olga
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Chernukha Anton
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Keywords: liquid glass, silica-containing coatings, fire protection of building materials, extruded polystyrene foam
The possibility of applying a silica-containing coating to the surface of XPS extruded polystyrene foam, which is characterized by a high degree of flammability, was evaluated. The effect of the content and concentration (11, 22, 44 and 85 %) of orthophosphate acid on the optical properties of silicic acid sols obtained by the exchange reaction between aqueous solutions of liquid glass and acetic acid was studied. The fact of incorporation of orthophosphate acid into the gel structure was confirmed by the results of acid-base titration with a sodium hydroxide solution of the intermicellar liquid isolated as a result of gel syneresis. Using an optical microscope, the structure of the polystyrene film coating after treatment with orthophosphate and sulfuric acid solutions was investigated. In both cases, the effect of an increase in the pore area and a general increase in the looseness of the surface was noted, which can help reduce its hydrophobicity and improve adhesion to the coating. The increase in hydrophilicity of the surfaces of polystyrene films after treatment with acids was also confirmed by the flatter, non-spherical shape of the drops of the composition on them. The structure of the obtained coatings on polystyrene films was analyzed. The similarity of the directions of the cracks in the case of treatment of the films with solutions of both acids was noted, and an assumption was made about the presence of uniform deformation stresses during gel shrinkage. A microscopic study of coatings on the surface of extruded polystyrene foam was conducted, and a positive effect of orthophosphate acid on the density of their structure was established. It was determined that the optimal solution for obtaining a uniform coating is the modification of the sol with the help of a 22 % solution of orthophosphate acid. Schemes of the interaction of the silica coating and the polystyrene base in cases of electrostatic interaction and in the case of the formation of covalent bonds between the coating and the polystyrene surface are proposed.
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Delivery trajectory modeling fire extinguishing container to the upper floors of buildings
Kalinovsky Andrii
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Kutsenko Leonid
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Polivanov Oleksandr
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Kryvoshei Boris
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Savchenko Olexander
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Keywords: container, fire extinguishing agent, pulse fire extinguisher, point of intersection of trajectories, minimum starting speed
A method is presented for geometrically modeling the trajectory of delivery of a container with a fire extinguishing agent to the windows of the upper floors of houses where a fire occurred. The Typhoon-10 pulse fire extinguisher, which is used as a pneumatic gun, is used as a starting agent. This allows fire extinguishing agents to be delivered to the fire zone discretely, placed in a special container. To determine a rational trajectory for container delivery to the upper floors of the building, differential equations known from mechanics and their solutions were used. The resulting relationships connect the parameters characteristic of the points of the desired trajectory. An addition to these results will be the dependencies found in this work to describe the overhead and floor trajectories that intersect at the point of the burning window of the building. The values of the minimum starting speed for delivering a container to a predetermined window of a building on the required floor have also been determined. It is assumed that for calculations the height of the burning window (from the foundation of the building) is known, and the distance from the pulse fire extinguisher to the wall of the building is also known. Maple was compiled – a program for checking the obtained dependencies by constructing delivery trajecto-ries using computer graphics. The results can be obtained in the form of a table, where the initial speeds and departure angles of the container depend on the floor number of the building. The conducted research is aimed at developing tactics for extinguishing fires in multi-storey buildings using the throwing method (or throwing, using Fire extinguisher Ball). This technology is characterized by the efficiency of fire extinguishing by fire and rescue units, regardless of the condition of the access roads to the building, as well as the existence of various obstacles directly in the yard in front of the house. All this will prevent the spread of fire due to its prompt localization and elimination.
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Correlation of properties in hydrocarbons homologous series
Tregubov Dmytrо
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Trefilova Larisa
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Slepuzhnikov Evgen
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Sokolov Dmytro
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Trehubova Flora
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Keywords: hydrocarbons, density, viscosity, surface tension, water solubility, characteristic temperatures, cluster, fire hazard
Correlations between combustible substances properties in the homologous series of n-alkanes and n-alcohols with a length of nС=1–20 were studied in order to determine ways to increase the methods convergence for assessing fire hazard parameters. The cluster length was added to the substance modulating parameters set. It should be noted that substances properties are often predicted using a molecule coarse-grained model, which has discreteness, does not describe short molecules, and requires an individual approach. It is shown that there are substance "arithmetic" parameters that directly depend on the certain atoms number. Among them, "length" better reflects isomeric, conformal, cluster differences, which are associated with parameters anomalies of hydrocarbons. A vaporization heat linear description from nС separately for n-alkanes and n-alcohols gives R=0,999. Exponential approximation of the n-alkanes boiling point tbp and flash point tfp by nС change fractions has R=0,999. It is shown that there is a correlation between tfp and tbp, but with a systematic difference, which indicates that the cluster composition is not completely similar at these temperatures; between tfp and tmp there is a smaller correlation, but its presence indicates clusters partial similarity. A universal formula for predicting hydrocarbons vaporization heats of 10 homologous series has been created, which has R=0,996. The description change hydrocarbons pulsations of in tmp was carried out on the cluster schemes alternation basis in homologous series, as well as taking into account their length and molar mass, which gives R=0,9997. According to similar principles, a formula for the hydrocarbons solubility in the water has been developed, which has the satisfactory accuracy. The study showed that the cluster length is a determining factor by which substance properties are modulated.
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Volodymyr Oliinik
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Oleksii Basmanov
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Keywords: flammable liquid spill, spill fire, radiating flame surface, heat flow
The object of the study is a spill fire. The subject of the study is the geometric characteristics of the flame, in particular, the length and angle of inclination. The model of the radiating surface of a flame over a burning liquid spill of an arbitrary shape is constructed. The essence of the approach is that the length of the flame at a given point is equal to the length of the flame at the point of the circular spill located at the same distance from the boundary of the spill. It allows generalizing the known empirical dependences for the case of spills of arbitrary shape. The flame length is a power-law function of the distance to the spill boundary and the mass loss rate per unit area. To take into account the effect of wind on the shape of the flame, the empirical dependence of the length and angle of inclination of the flame on the wind speed is used. It is assumed that the wind deforms the flame in such a way that all points of the flame surface deviate by the same angle from the vertical. Wind inclines the flame from the vertical axis more significantly for the smaller size of the spill and smaller mass loss rate per unit area. This is due to the formation of more powerful upward currents over the combustion center when its size and intensity of liquid combustion increase. A model of the radiating surface of the flame was constructed in a parametric form. The results obtained from the model are in good agreement with the experimental ones. The relative error for the angle of deviation of the flame by the wind from the vertical axis does not exceed 9%. In practice, this opens up opportunities for calculating the thermal impact on nearby technological objects, as well as determining safe zones for the location of personnel and equipment involved in fire suppression. The model can be used to specify the thermal effect of fire on steel and concrete structures.
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Comparative analysis of rescue operations to rescue a victims at a height
Beliuchenko Dmytro
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Maksymov Andriy
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Strelets Victor
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Burmenko Oleksandr
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Keywords: special equipment, safety equipment, high-altitude rescue operations, rescue climber
A quantitative comparative assessment of the influence of the size of the rescue teams, as well as the level of preparedness of the rescuers-climbers on the time of implementation of various options for rescuing the victim by evacuation in an unsupported space, was carried out, which will contribute to solving the problem of reducing the time of rescue work at height without reducing the level of safety as a personnel rescue teams, as well as victims who require evacuation in an unsupported space. A comparative assessment of various options for height rescue operations was carried out, taking into account both the level of training of rescuers and the completeness of the rescue unit. with the help of both a spinal immobilization shield and rescue stretchers by the personnel of rescuers of the basic and initial level of training in groups of full and part-time staff in accordance with the criteria of Shapiro-Wilkie, Fisher and Student. It is shown that the time distribution of height rescue operations according to the options considered with a significance level of =0,05 can be considered normal. At the same time, the mathematical expectation of the time of height rescue work at height for the specified options differs significantly not only depending on the technical capabilities of the special equipment and safety devices used, but also on the level of preparedness of the rescuer-climber and the size of the rescue team. These properties must be taken into account when drawing up methodological recommendations for performing rescue work at height, as well as professional training of a rescuer-climber. The reliability of the obtained estimates was confirmed by comparison with the results of research conducted in 2018–2019.
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