Development of the automation tool for the design of fire alarm lines with optimized composition
Oleksiy Antoshkin
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Oleh Neshpor
Institute of Public Administration and Research in Civil Protection
Keywords: mathematical modeling, optimization, coverage, placement of fire detectors, plume tracing
The work solves an important scientific and practical optimization task of building means for automating the design of fire alarm loops, optimized in terms of the number of detectors and the length of wires for rooms of arbitrary shape, taking into account regulatory and technological limitations. A complex of programs for solving the optimization problem has been developed and implemented. A mathematical model of the problem, a generalized strategy for solving the problem, means of mathematical modeling of connections between circles, which model the control zones of fire detectors forming a circular coverage of the area, as functions that do not require the introduction of auxiliary variables, have been developed. Earlier works on a similar topic did not provide an opportunity to automatically obtain the optimal composition of fire alarm loops, taking into account the requirements of a regulatory and physical nature. The computational experiments carried out in the work convincingly confirmed the constructiveness of the developed means of mathematical modeling of the connections of geometric objects in the problems of circular coverage and demonstrated the adequacy of the constructed mathematical model of the problem of covering with circles of the same radius an area of complex shape and its implementations, the effectiveness algorithms for generating the solution space and methods for finding a local extremum. It should be noted that most of the results obtained during computational experiments were obtained for the first time. The practical value of the proposed approach for problems of circular coverage of arbitrary areas, which consists in the generation of the solution space of the problem for an acceptable starting point with subsequent local optimization, is clearly demonstrated during the solution of test problems. The developed software complex can be used in the design of fire alarm systems by design engineers and during the examination of projects.
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Selection of precursors of safe silica-based fireproof coatings for textile materials
Olga Skorodumova
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Olena Chebotareva
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Andrey Sharshanov
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Andrey Chernukha
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Keywords: liquid glass, siliceous coatings, fire protection of textile materials, precursors of inorganic and organic origin
The selection of the inorganic precursor SiO2 as the main component of the simplified safe technology for obtaining flame-retardant coatings on textile materials was carried out. By thermo-graphic research of organic and inorganic SiO2 precursors, performed on an OD-102 deri-vatograph under conditions of heating at a rate of 10ºС/min in an air environment, the processes of decomposition of the coating that occur during the action of fire were investigated. Gels based on inorganic precursors produced by industry (silica sol, silica gel) and silicic acid, which was obtained by the exchange reaction of an aqueous solution of sodium silicate of liquid glass and acetic acid, were studied for the comparative characteristics of thermal destruction of coatings. As organic precursors of SiO2, gels of ethyl silicate-32 and methyltriethoxysilane were studied, which were obtained by hydrolysis of organosilicon compounds in an acidic water-alcohol medi-um with subsequent polycondensation of the hydrolysis products. The effect of temperature on the nature of thermal destruction of silica gel, silica sol, silicic acid and organosilicon gels of ethyl silicate and methylotriethoxysilane was investigated. It is shown that inorganic precursors differ favorably from organosilicon precursors in terms of the overall thermal effect during their de-composition, mass loss during heat treatment, and the rate of change of this parameter. Consider-ing that, in addition to total mass loss, the increase in mass loss during heating is less than 1 % in compositions based on inorganic precursors, it is possible to use all three types of inorganic pre-cursors, but from the point of view of acidity and safety of impregnation compositions, prefer-ence is given to silicic acid obtained by the exchange reaction of silicate sodium liquid glass with acetic acid.
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Calculation method of assessing the condition of steel structures of buildings in the event of fire
Dmytro Dubinin
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Andrei Lisniak
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Serhii Shevchenko
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Ihor Gritsina
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Yuri Gaponenko
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Keywords: fire, rate of temperature change, steel structures, fire curves, fire retardant
The object of the study is the process of assessing the condition of steel structures of buildings in the event of a fire. The use of standard fire curves, such as ISO 834, ASTM E119, which determine the temperature dependence over time, is substantiated and analyzed. Based on this, a calculation method for determining the rate of temperature change for protected and unprotected steel structures using fire curves is proposed. To protect steel structures from high temperature, such fire-resistant means as heat-insulating plates, plasterboard sheets and cement-sand plaster with appropriate tactical and technical characteristics were used. Based on the results of the study, it was established that the most effective fire protection means for steel structures are heat-insulating plates, and the least effective is cement-sand plaster. This is determined due to the difference in temperature, so according to ISO 834 for a heat-insulating board at 5 hours of exposure, the temperature is 896,2 ºС, and for plasterboard – 474,8 ºС, cement-sand plaster – 316,25 ºС. Thus, according to ASTM E119, for a heat-insulating board for 5 hours of exposure, the temperature is 869,85 ºС, and for plasterboard – 463,34 ºС, cement-sand plaster – 310,70 ºС. From the results of the research, it can be noted that the standard fire curves of ISO 834 and ASTM E119 make it possible to conduct research and determine the rate of temperature change, while it should be noted that they do not significantly differ from each other. Graphical dependences are also obtained for steel structures taking into account fire protection measures and standard fire curves ISO 834 and ASTM E119. The obtained results of the study make it possible to increase the level of fire safety of buildings and structures at the stages of design and operation, as well as to determine the limit (critical) state of steel structures in time during fire extinguishing operations.
- Dubinin, D., Lisniak, А., Shevchenko, S., Krivoruchko, I., Gaponenko, Yu. (2021). Eksperymental'ne doslidzhennja rozvytku pozhezhi v budivli. Problemy nadzvychajnyh sytuacij, 34, 110–121. doi: 10.52363/2524-0226-2021-34-8
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Idetification of hazard sources at nuclear reaction with consideration of fuel element corrosion
Yuliana Hapon
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Maksym Kustov
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Roman Ponomarenko
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Yevhen Slepuzhnikov
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Maryna Chyrkina
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Keywords: nuclear power plant, galvanic cell, electrode potential, corrosion, reactor, alloy
The paper analyzes the sources of potential danger, arising at nuclear power plants as a result of the formation and accumulation of a significant amount of hazardous radioactive products during the process of release and the presence of a principal possibility of release in the event of an accident beyond the limit. The risks of radiation impact on the personnel, population and the environment as a whole are determined. It is established that one of the main factors that negatively affects and significantly limits the lifetime of a nuclear reactor is the corrosion wear of structural materials of the reactor core and fuel cladding, which is caused by the constant circulation of water coolant. A characteristic feature of water-water power reactors has been determined, which consists in continuous and local (nodular) corrosion destruction by the electrochemical mechanism of the surface of the fuel element cladding, which is made of zirconium alloy and steel parts of various grades of other structural parts. The paper shows a short-circuited galvanic element formed on the inner wall of fuel elements made of Zr + 1 % Nb alloy and pellets made of uranium oxide (UxOy), as well as the outer galvanic element of fuel elements and structural materials of the reactor made of steel of different grades. The hazards caused by corrosion destruction and release of hazardous radioactive substances from the reactor core are analyzed. Studies were conducted on the change in the thickness of oxide films depending on the operating time in solutions of different composition and acidity of the environment. The kinetics of galvanic processes accompanying internal and external corrosion was investigated, which plays an important role in improving the ways and methods aimed at preventing and preventing emergencies at nuclear power plants.
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A model of cooling the tank shell by water in the case of a fire in an adjacent tank
Maksym Maksymenko
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Keywords: tank fire, thermal influence of fire, heat transfer, water cooling
Cooling the tank shell by water in the case of a fire in an adjacent tank is considered. A model of the cooling effect of the water film flowing down on the tank shell was constructed. The model is based on the heat balance equation for the tank shell and the heat balance equation for the water film. The model takes into account the radiant heat exchange of the shell and fire, environment and internal space of the tank; convection heat exchange of the shell with water and steam-air mixture in the gas space of the tank. In addition, the heat balance equation for the water film includes radiant heat transfer to the environment and convective heat transfer to the ambient air. The main assumption of the model is constant water flow rate and a constant thickness of the water film on the wall. The finite difference method was used to solve the heat balance equations of the shell and the water film. The values of convection heat transfer coefficients were found by using methods of similarity theory. The coefficient of convection heat transfer between the wall and water film has a linear dependence on the water temperature and a power dependence on the intensity of water supply. It was determined that coefficient of convection heat transfer between the tank wall and the water film is 3 orders of magnitude higher than the coefficient of convection heat transfer between the shell and ambient air. It is shown that the temperature distribution in the tank shell and the water film converges to the stationary distribution. The combination of heat balance equations for the shell and water film allows building an algorithm for detrmining the temperatures on the tank shell and water film. The algorithm is based on the sequential calculation of the steady-state value of the shell temperature and the growth the temperature of the water film at points located along the vertical line on the tank shell. The algorithm starts working from the point on the upper edge of the tank shell and ends at the point at the level of the oil product. The obtained results can be used for determining the intensity of water supply for cooling the tank shell in the case of fire in an adjacent tank.
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