Improvement of risk-based management of occupational safety and hygiene
Bohdan Tsymbal
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Olena Sharovatova
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Artem Petryshchev
National University "Zaporizhzhya Polytechnic"
Alexandr Malko
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Sergey Artemev
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Oleg Bogatov
Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University
Keywords: risk-oriented management, occupational safety and hygiene, occupational risk assessment methodology, occupational risk management, methodology testing
The importance of improving a risk-oriented approach is considered, as such an approach allows to ensure a high level of safety and hygiene at the workplace, reduce the risk of negative consequences for employees and prevent material losses for the enterprise. The features of the main stages of risk-oriented management of occupational safety and health, such as identification, assessment and management of occupational risks, are analyzed. It was established that the most problematic stage is the assessment of professional risks. The analysis of methods for determining the level of risk and assessing the effectiveness of risk management measures showed that these methods are general and are not adapted to the specifics of various sectors of the economy. Simplified methods take into account only two components: the probability of exposure of the hazard to the worker and the damage or consequences. Three-component methods also take into account the frequency (tendency) characteristic of danger. At the same time, three-component methods do not have a matrix for assessing occupational risk. The vast majority of such methods do not provide an assessment of the residual risk, which shows the effectiveness of measures to reduce the level of occupational risk and the need for the implementation of corrective measures. At the same time, the hierarchy of control measures and the time limit for the implementation of preventive and protective measures are not taken into account. To eliminate these shortcomings, a three-component 3-D method of occupational risk assessment has been developed, which contains a volume matrix and allows to assess the residual risk. The obtained results of the implementation of the proposed methodology can be used in practice to improve safety and occupational hygiene at machine-building enterprises. The results of the study make it possible to reduce the number of accidents at the workplace and ensure an increase in the efficiency of occupational safety and health management.
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Andrey Feshchenko
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Alexander Zakora
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Evgen Morshch
Department of Emergency Prevention of the SES
Keywords: emergency, digital telecommunications network, reliability, operational availability, probability of failure-free operation
The research goal of developing a probabilistic model of an elementary fragment of a departmental digital telecommunications network, which takes into account the influence of the redundancy structure and operational parameters of fail-safe and maintainability of its nodes and data transmission channels on its operational readiness coefficient, has been achieved in the work. Expressions of the coefficient of operational readiness of the probabilistic model of an elementary fragment of a digital telecommunication network after failures in emergency conditions were obtained and analyzed, and the relationship between the coefficient of readiness and operational parameters was established. It is indicated that the required coefficient of operational readiness of an elementary fragment of a digital telecommunication network is achieved not only by increasing the reliability of nodes, but also by choosing a redundancy structure and a mode of maintenance of equipment, which have not been determined before, therefore studies are made of the dependence of the coefficient of operational readiness of an elementary fragment of a departmental telecommunications network on standardized operating conditions parameters for structures without redundancy and with redundancy by statistical mathematical modeling. As a result of the research, it was established that in order to achieve the required operational readiness ratio while reducing the requirements for the reliability of the nodes of the elementary fragment of the departmental digital telecommunication network, it is sufficient to apply structurally separate two-fold redundancy of nodes in the presence of triple redundancy of data transmission channels. Research data are useful and important for predicting the operational readiness ratio when designing and planning the required mode of maintenance of nodes and data transmission channels of an elementary fragment of the departmental telecommunications network, depending on the ratio of the period of preventive work to the time spent on failure during operation.
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Model of spreading and burning the liquid on the soil
Volodymyr Oliinik
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Oleksii Basmanov
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Keywords: liquid spreading, spill fire, liquid infiltration, Green-Ampt model
The object of research is the process of liquid spreading and burning on the ground. A mathematical model of liquid spreading on an inclined surface has been constructed. The model is a system of equations. The first one is a parabolic differential equation that describes the change of the spill area and the thickness of the liquid layer at each point of the area. The second equation is an ordinary differential equation that corresponds to the depth of liquid infiltration into the soil. It is assumed that the process of liquid infiltration into the soil is described by the Green-Ampt model. Its feature is the idea about boundary between wetted and dry soil. Under the influence of liquid pressure above the ground surface and capillary forces the boundary moves deep into the soil. The rate of infiltration is determined by the hydraulic conductivity of the wetted soil, soil porosity and suction head. These parameters depend on the soil conditions and the type of liquid and must be determined experimentally. The liquid spreading model takes into account surface roughness by introducing a term in the differential equation of fluid spread that contains the average depth of surface roughness. The necessity to fill these irregularities determines the area of the spill. Burnout of the liquid leads to a decrease in the spill area. The initial conditions are determined by the type of the liquid spreading: instantaneous or continuous. The instantaneous spill occurs in the case of a catastrophic destruction of the container. The continuous one occurs in the case of damaging the container or pipeline. In this case the volume of the spilled liquid gradually increases. In the case of continuous liquid spilling the differential equation of liquid flow contains a term with a δ-function. In the case of an instantaneous spill, the initial conditions contain δ-function. The obtained results can be used to determine the heat flow from the spill fire and the thermal effect of the fire on adjacent technological objects.
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Мathematical model of the magnetic-contact thermal fire detector
Viacheslav Durieiev
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Valerii Khrystych
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Serhij Bondarenko
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Murat Maliarov
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Ruslan Kornienko
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Keywords: fire detector, mathematical model, magnetic contacts, inertia, activation time, activation temperature
A mathematical model of a fireman’s thermal magnetic contact detector was developed, taking into account the type and structure of the material of the sensitive element. Dependencies for the calculation of the dynamic parameters of the fire detector were determined and parametric studies of the tripping parameters were carried out. The analysis of the literature on the modeling of fire detectors proved the need to create a mathematical model of a thermal magnetic contact detector in order to obtain its dynamic parameters and improve technical data. The model represents a system of differential equations describing the dependence of the magnetization of contacts of various structures in the sensitive element of the magnetic contact heat detector of the firefighter on the temperature during non-stationary convective heating. The solution of mathematical models is the equation of detector dynamics in relative variables, taking into account the contact structure of the sensitive element: single-domain ferromagnet, superparamagnetic particles in weak and strong magnetic fields, superparamagnetic particles with comprehensive consideration of magnetization from the external magnetic field and temperature. The obtained dynamics equations represent a standard inertial dynamic link and are convenient for researching the operation and determining the dynamic parameters of magnetic contact heat detectors for firefighters. The obtained equations allow conducting research and determining the dynamic parameters of the detectors, taking into account the structure of the material of the magnetic contact sensitive element and the rate of temperature change. Comparison of the obtained results with experimental data shows differences of no more than 5 %. The developed mathematical model and the obtained dynamic equations make it possible to make recommendations regarding the selection of technical data of magnetic contact detectors and ways to improve their dynamic parameters.
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Sensitivity of explosive materials to the action of electromagnetic fields
Maksim Kustov
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Artem Karpov
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Keywords: explosion, demining of territories, explosive materials, electromagnetic waves, molecular struc-ture, dipole moment, safety of rescuers
The analysis was done to define the most common methods of detection and disposal of explosive objects. According to the principle of their operation, the methods were subdivided into 4 classes. It was established that physical methods are the most effective, and most of them are based on the use of electromagnetic waves with various parameters. To define the degree of ef-fect of electromagnetic waves on explosive materials it was reasonable to study their electromag-netic properties. It is shown that the main parameter that quantitatively characterizes the degree of sensitivity of explosive materials to the action of electromagnetic fields is the dipole moment of their molecules. The molecular structure of the most common explosive materials, in particular hexogen, pentaerythritol tetranitrate and trinitrotoluene, tetryl, lead trinitroresorcinate, mercu-ryfulminate and lead azide has been analyzed. It is shown that the molecules of these substances have a two-dimensional structure, while the molecules of hexogen, pentaerythritol tetranitrate, and mercury fulminate are symmetrical. It corresponds to the absence of a dipole moment in such molecules. The dipole moments of asymmetric molecules of trinitrotoluene, tetryl, lead trinitrore-sorcinate, and lead azide were calculated using the method of adding force vectors of dipole moments of interatomic bonds. The calculated data showed that the dipole moments of these sub-stances are significant, so the electromagnetic influence on the activation of these explosive mate-rials cannot be neglected. Partially, the high values of the dipole moments of trinitrotoluene (µ(C7H5N3O6)=2,55 D) and tetryl (µ(C7H5N5O8)=9,27 D) can be explained by an increased num-ber of asymmetric bonds with nitrogen that has a high electronegativity. The obtained data can be used for the development of the safety algorithms to provide a safe work of the rescuers during demining of the territory and when using the devices of an active electromagnetic action in order to prevent the uncontrolled detonation of explosive objects
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