Method of preventing emergencies due to fire through short-term fire forecasting
Boris Pospelov
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Evgenіy Rybka
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Mikhail Samoylov
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Yuliia Bezuhla
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Oleksandr Yashchenko
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Yuliia Veretennikova
Kharkiv National University of Construction and Architecture
Keywords: fire, dynamics, recurrence of state growing, dangerous factors, air environment, recurrent diagram
A parametric model for predicting the current recurrence of the state of the airspace of premises in the conditions that are characteristic of real premises on the basis of the use of an arbitrary plural of dangerous factors of fire. The developed model depends on two parameters that are defined by a priori and affect the result of the recurrence of the recurrence of the conditions of the airspace of the premises. The new scientific result is determined by the theoretical substantiation of the developed model of prediction of recurrence of the growth of the airspaces of the airspace. The proposed model has two properties. The first one is associated with the possibility of use in theoretical studies of the detection of early inflammation of various materials in arbitrary conditions of modern premises. The second one is to practice the real measurements of hazardous fire factors of the airspace of premises. In accordance with the proposed model of prediction of current recurrence of the state of the air environment of premises in the fire of materials based on the measurement of an arbitrary set of dangerous fire factors, a control algorithm of the method of prevention of emergency situations as a result of fires in premises is developed. The control algorithm consists of six successive functionally linked blocks. The developed control algorithm allows us to offer an appropriate method for preventing emergencies as a result of fire in premises by predicting the recurrence of appliance of the airspace of the premises, which occurs on the basis of the current discrete measurement of an arbitrary plurality of dangerous fire factors. The procedure for application of the proposed method includes six successive functional procedural elements.
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Multifactor model of excavation of an explosive subject diver
Ihor Soloviov
Main Directorate of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Kherson region
Victor Strelets
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Dmytro Lovin
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Keywords: underwater demining, diver-sapper, rise, explosive object, multifactor model
The use of experimental research planning methods has shown that to obtain a multifactor model of lifting an explosive object by a sapper diver from a depth that will take into account both the impact, in case nonlinear, selected parameters and the effects of interaction between them, it is advisable to conduct a multifactorial experiment 3x3x2. Statistical indicators of the time of lifting an explosive object in accordance with such a plan can be obtained using the method of direct expert assessments. As a result, a multi- factor model of lifting an explosive object by divers in the form of a three-factor square polynomial was obtained, the coefficients of which establish a quantitative relationship between the level of training of personnel, external conditions in which he works and lifeguards. Field experiments confirmed the reliability of the developed mathematical model with a significance level of α=0,05. It is shown that when developing operational and technical recommendations, divers need to take into account both the type of diving suit and the effects of the interaction between the level of training of personnel and the conditions in which they work. At the same time, it is possible to ignore the effects of the interaction of the conditions of lifting an explosive object with the suit in which the sapper divers work, as well as the quadratic effect of using a dry or wet suit. It should be expected that in the case of lifting an explosive device, the level of preparedness will be more pronounced in divers-sappers with a primary level, as well as the fact that for them to reduce the effectiveness of underwater demining will be affected by poor external working conditions. During further research, increased attention should be paid to the preparation of diver sappers to work in difficult conditions and to the planning of operational activities of a specialized pyrotechnic unit, as well as the use of the latest technical means of underwater demining.
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Olga Skorodumova
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Olena Tarakhno
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Andriy Sharshanov
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Olena Chebotareva
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Yuliana Gapon
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Kateryna Bajanova
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Keywords: fire retardant coatings, hybrid gels, fire retardants, diammonium hydrogenphosphate, carbamide
The paper considers the influence of the composition of the flame retardant composition on the change of fire-retardant properties of textile materials. Experimental samples of cotton fabric were impregnated with sol of ethyl silicate-40 obtained under conditions of acid-base hydrolysis. A solution of diammonium hydrogen phosphate was sprayed on the dried surface of the gel coating and dried again. The influence of the composition of the hybrid composition of the system of ethyl silicate gel - flame retardants on the fire-retardant properties of impregnated textile materials was studied, namely the time of onset of fabric charring, the area of damage to the reverse side of the fabric after the action of the kinetic flame for 8 s, as well as the time of onset of tissue destruction, which was determined at the time of the crack on the sample. It is shown that additional fixation on the surface of the hybrid coating of the ethyl silicate gel - diammonium hydrogen phosphate-urea system further increases the fire-retardant properties of the coating, but only under conditions of using small amounts of urea. It was found that urea acts as a conventional additive-modifier. It improves the properties of the coating in small quantities, and sharply worsens them if it used in large one. In connection with the composition of the hybrid coating was optimized for its effect on the area of damage (total and deep) and the time of onset of destruction of the samples, ie the time during which the crack formed on the fabric under the action of the flame. Small additions of 20 % diammonium hydrogen phosphate solution and 10 % urea solution increase the resistance of the textile material to the action of the kinetic flame by almost 12 times. It is shown that after long-term heat load (for 10 minutes) impregnated fabrics do not lose elasticity. Final burning and decay is not observed. Due to the fact that minor tissue destruction begins only after 10 minutes of action of the kinetic flame, the results made it possible to offer hybrid siliceous coatings for fire protection of rescue stretchers, which are designed to rescue the wounded from high-rise buildings during a fire.
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Tаisiy Vovchuk
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Roman Shevchenko
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Keywords: emergency, information technology, QR-coding, warnings, objects of chemical industry
The paper considers the process of forming the main approaches to the development of information and analytical support of the process of prevention of emergencies of man-made nature at the chemical industry in conditions of excessive man-made load, taking into account modern capabilities of QR-coding technologies. Analysis of the current state of the issue convincingly proves that given Ukraine's orientation to European standards in the field of civil protection, there is a need to generalize and implement international experience in creating and operating management systems in emergencies, based on modern information and communication technologies, especially emergencies of technogenic character on objects of the chemical industry in the conditions of excessive technogenic loading. The conditions of integration of existing domestic approaches to the prevention of man-made emergencies at chemical facilities in the conditions of excessive man-caused load in the information-analytical space of the European Community, which allowed to form the basis of the methodological apparatus for developing information technology for man-made emergencies chemical industry projects in the conditions of excessive technogenic loading, taking into account modern possibilities of QR - coding and to define group of boundary conditions which are formed as corresponding restrictions of derivative consequences of an emergency situation. The information technology of analytical support of man-made emergency management at chemical industry facilities in the conditions of excessive man-caused load has been developed, which allows to introduce innovative approaches to emergency management into the daily activities of practical units of SES of different hierarchical level of subordination. The results obtained in this work allow us to further develop a number of practical recommendations, which relate primarily to the harmonization of domestic approaches and practices to the requirements of the European Community. Such harmonization should be based on the principles of comprehensive assistance to the population in the event of emergencies that threaten health, life, property or the environment, other dangerous and catastrophic events.
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Formation of mathematical apparatus of methods of fire and explosion safety control of landfills
Nina Rashkevic
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Vladislav Shershnyov
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Vitalii Slovinskyi
Cherkasy Scientific Research Forensic Centre of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Ukraine
Volodymyr Konoval
Cherkassy State Technological University
Keywords: solid waste, fire and explosion hazard, methane, initial conditions, boundary conditions
The fire and explosion hazard of landfills is analyzed taking into account the trends of introduction of biogas (methane) collection and utilization. According to the results of analysis and synthesis of factors of occurrence and spread of man-caused danger, available mathematical models and methods of counteraction to man-caused danger, the authors determined the initial and boundary conditions of is the basis for further development of appropriate methods of emergency response. During the analysis it was found that humidity, temperature of the landfill, the presence of sufficient oxygen at a certain point in time initiate the formation of explosive concentrations of methane in the array and contribute to the spread of hazards in landfills. The specific weight of the organic component, the value of the density of the array, the height of waste disposal affect the process of counteracting the danger, namely preventing a dangerous event and preventing the emergency from the object to the highest level of distribution, primarily in the first priority group, such as the number of victims and injured civilians and specialists of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine. A system of communication equations is determined by synthesis, taking into account the initial and boundary conditions of the mathematical apparatus, which allows to further develop a control algorithm for emergency response related to fire and explosion hazardous landfills close to settlements. Further research is aimed at: establishing the area of effective solutions for the choice of variation of solutions of individual problems to assess these indicators of the initial and boundary conditions of the mathematical apparatus in the development of emergency response methods associated with fire and explosion hazards; to develop a control algorithm for the appropriate methodology and verify its reliability
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