Yuriy Otrosh
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Andriy Kovalov
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Roman Purdenko
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Nina Rashkevich
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Roman Maiboroda
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52363/2524-0226-2022-36-9
Keywords: fire resistance, fire-resistant reinforced concrete structures, fire resistance assessment, numerical modeling, fire protection, fire-resistant coating, LIRA-SAPR
A structural and logical scheme was developed, which describes the provision of fire resistance of fire-resistant reinforced concrete structures based on the proposed mathematical model and the calculation-experimental method of evaluating the fire resistance of fire-resistant reinforced concrete structures. A mathematical model for evaluating the fire resistance of fire-resistant reinforced concrete structures was developed, which consists of the following stages: selection of the formalization apparatus, construction of the external description, verification of the model's operability, construction of the internal state, verification of operability, and identification of parameters. Initial and boundary conditions were formulated during the construction of the specified models, which allow predicting the fire resistance of the fire-resistant reinforced concrete structure with sufficient accuracy for engineering calculations. A computer model of the stress-strain state of a fire-resistant multi-hollow reinforced concrete floor was developed in the "LIRA-SAPR" software in order to increase the level of fire safety of buildings and structures. A static calculation of the fire-resistant reinforced concrete multi-hollow floor slab was carried out, as a result of which the stress-deformed state of the floor was obtained under the combined action of force and temperature loads. The results of numerical modeling were compared with the results of an experimental study of fire resistance. The accuracy of the developed computer model for evaluating the fire resistance of fire-resistant reinforced concrete structures was checked. Non-linear laws of deformation of the model materials were established, namely: exponential and piecewise linear, which take into account the modulus of elasticity of concrete, the coefficient of linear thermal deformation of concrete, the ultimate relative deformation of concrete, which allow with sufficient accuracy for engineering calculations (up to 5 %) to estimate the fire resistance of fire-resistant reinforced concrete structures.
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Improvement constructions cylinders of breathing apparatuses on compressed air
Vitaliy Sobyna
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
http://orcid.org/ 0000-0001-6908-8037
Dmutro Taraduda
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Mukhaylo Dement
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
http://orcid.org/ 0000-0003-4975-384Х
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52363/2524-0226-2022-36-8
Keywords: breathing apparatuses on compressed air, cylinder, polymer-composite material, liner
A study was conducted to increase the reliability, durability, and weight reduction of cylinders for compressed air breathing apparatus of rescue service units. The design of composite cylinders with high-pressure air with improved characteristics, such as strength, permeability and ensuring hygienic standards, was developed, and with the aim of further verification of the proposed design, calculations were carried out, on the basis of which the possibility and feasibility of manufacturing high-pressure cylinders from mineral fiber in combination was confirmed with a binder, which is characterized by a relatively low cost and manufacturability when produced by traditional methods. The research was carried out with the aim of: developing a balloon design of high mass perfection and cost less than a similar metal-plastic balloon; ensuring the necessary carrying capacity of cylinders; determination of air permeability through the liner wall; determination of the type and amount of organic compounds released from the ma-terial of the liners during the storage of the cylinder filled with air. As a result of the research, it was established that: a cylinder with a liner with a wall thickness of 2.2 mm will lose its tightness after 45 days of exposure at a working pressure of 30 MPa due to a poorly made press mold, thinning of the liner in this place to 1.3 mm; a cylinder with a liner with a wall thickness of 4 mm at an operating pressure of 30 MPa, when observed for 135 days, will lose only 30 g in weight. A study of the hygienic characteristics of the cylinders showed that after exposure for 30 days at a temperature of 20 ˚C at an operating pressure of 30 MPa, in the air environment of the cylinders organic substances belonging to the class of aliphatic alcohols were found. Research proves the high efficiency of the use of composite-polymer cylinders for the purpose of preventing emer-gency situations at the facilities where they are operated, which confirms their usefulness and im-portance.
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Swelling ratio of epoxy polymers filled with systems based on ammonium polyphosphate
Оlexander Hryhorenko
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Yevgeniiy Zolkina
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Danchenko Danchenko
National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52363/2524-0226-2022-36-6
Keywords: epoxy polymer, flame retardant coating, expand multiplication, mathematical model
The multiplicity of expanding of the coke layer of epoxy polymers filled with ammonium polyphosphate and target fillers was investigated. Compositions based on an epoxy film former, hardened with polyethylene polyamine, were used as the object of the study. The target fillers are pentaerythritol and thermally expandable graphite as an additional carbon source, aluminum hydroxide as a gas generator, and aerosil as a thickener. The research was conducted according to the theory of planning experiments with the construction of second-order orthogonal compositional plans. The linear coefficient of expanding KL was chosen as the response function. Mathematical models were obtained that adequately describe the dependence of the linear coefficient of expanding on the content of components for the three studied systems. It was established that the joint introduction into the polymer matrix of two carbon sources, pentaerythritol and heat-expandable graphite, gives a positive effect in comparison with compositions filled with ammonium polyphosphate with pentaerythrite and ammonium polyphosphate with heat-expandable graphite separately (by 77 % and 45 %, respectively). It was established that the maximum value of the linear coefficient of expanding (KL2=66) among the studied systems is achieved in the system filled with ammonium polyphosphate, aluminum hydroxide and thermally expanding graphite with the following ratio of components: ammonium polyphosphate – within 20–22 parts of mass, aluminum hydroxide –15 parts of mass, thermally expandable graphite – within 2,5–3,5 parts of mass, which is 10% more than this indicator for the epoxy polymer filled only with ammonium polyphosphate in the amount of 30 parts of mass. The expediency of using aluminum hydroxide as part of the composition is shown. It was established that the system is filled with ammonium polyphosphate, aluminum hydroxide and aerosol with the content of ammonium polyphosphate components in the range of 23–27 parts of mass, aluminum hydroxide 25 parts of mass and Aerosil 1 parts of mass allows you to get a coating with a linear coefficient of expanding KL3=58.
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Research of the performance conditions of the fuel heater of the internal combustion diesel engine
Roman Kovalenko
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Andriy Kalynovskyi
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Boris Kryvoshei
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Sergey Nazarenko
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52363/2524-0226-2022-36-7
Keywords: operating conditions of the fuel heater, special vehicle, diesel fuel, limit temperature of fuel filtration
An improved design of the fuel heater of a diesel internal combustion engine is proposed, which ensures its operability under conditions when the cruising engine of a special vehicle is not started. The mentioned technical result is achieved by parallel connection to the known design of the fuel heater of the internal combustion diesel engine of the exhaust gas discharge pipeline, which is connected to the autonomous air heater of the vehicle cabin. Accordingly, the object of research is the design of special vehicles, and the subject of research is methods of improving the starting properties of diesel internal combustion engines in conditions of low ambient temperatures. Checking the performance of the proposed design of the fuel heater of the internal combustion diesel engine was performed by using well-known methods of calculating plate heat exchangers. For the calculations, the characteristics of the autonomous air heater of the vehicle cabin model «Planar-8DM-24» were used. It was established that the temperature of diesel fuel, which is maintained in the fuel tank near the fuel intake during the operation of the autonomous air heater of the vehicle cabin, under the condition that the start of the cruising engine is not carried out, is about 0 °C. This value is above the limit temperature of filtration of summer diesel fuel, that is, it allows us to assert the efficiency of the proposed design of the fuel heater. The proposed design of the diesel internal combustion engine fuel heater is most suitable for special vehicles operated by practical units and allows improving the starting properties of marching engines in conditions of low ambient temperatures.
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Maksym Kustov
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Oleg Fedoryaka
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Ruslan Kornienko
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52363/2524-0226-2022-36-5
Keywords: territorial location, functional capacity, fire departments, optimal traffic route
In order to check the reliability and efficiency of the mathematical model of the spatial placement of fire departments of different functional capacity in local territories with different socio-technological properties, an automated software complex Fire Emergency Department Direction was developed. The software complex allows you to simplify the process of optimizing the territorial placement of fire departments and choosing the optimal route to the fire site. The performed calculations showed that the proposed mathematical model allows to optimize the location of several fire departments relative to potentially dangerous objects in terms of travel time to the place of fire as a determining criterion. The developed software complex based on the mathematical model of the spatial location of fire departments can be used by fire chiefs to automate the management of fire departments and to allocate additional resources. The effectiveness of the developed method of territorial placement of fire departments was verified by comparing the results of calculation of coverage coefficients with the closest method in terms of properties, which was chosen as a prototype and has practical approval. Comparison of calculation results showed that when using the same averaged functional capacity of fire departments in a separate territorial community, the developed method and the prototype give comparable results with an error of about 1 %, while taking into account different functional capacity leads to a refinement of the prototype results by about 15 %. The proposed method of spatial placement of fire departments can be used when checking the compliance of the placement of existing fire departments with the socio-technological properties of the local area, when designing the development of new local areas and arranging citizen assistance centers on the territory of united territorial communities.
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