The influence of tire defects on traffic safety emergency rescue car
Volodumur Kokhanenko
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Serhii Rahimov
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Keywords: emergency rescue vehicle, pneumatic tire, temperature distribution, defects, reliability, safety
Modern emergency and rescue vehicles, like all others, are equipped with tires of radial design with a metal cord in the breaker. It was determined that the number of premature and unpredictable exits of such tires from operation due to the destruction of the shoulder zone and delamination in the breaker has increased. Since emergency and rescue vehicles are constantly in operational readiness (they are loaded with fire-extinguishing substances, special tools and equipment during the entire period of operation), and when called, they move at maximum speed, their tires are also in extreme operation mode. Emergency and rescue vehicles are equipped with serial tires. But, firstly, emergency rescue vehicles significantly exceed the limits of operating modes, and secondly, in the course of time, they do not reach the standard tire mileage. So, on the outside, the tires have a fairly deep tread pattern, but inside they have accumulated many defects, which leads to their premature retirement, which is unacceptable. In order to realize the resource of the tread before complete wear and increase the reliability of operation of tires of emergency and rescue vehicles, it is necessary to determine the reasons for the premature retirement of tires. When investigating the causes of tire failure, it was established that the presence of defects, both internal and external, worsens heat dissipation from the frame and from all layers of the tire. These phenomena lead to the unexpected sudden exit of tires from operation. Reasoned proposals for the design of emergency and rescue vehicle tires. On the basis of research, it is proposed to equip emergency rescue vehicles with tires of a special design, which is provided in the work. The obtained data will increase the reliability and safety of the movement of emergency and rescue vehicles when following them to the place of the call.
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Dmytro Dubinin
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Andrii Lisniak
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Serhii Shevchenko
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Yevhen Kryvoruchko
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Yuri Gaponenko
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Keywords: internal fire, temperature, time of thermal penetration, coefficient of thermal conductivity, rate of energy release
Researches of influence of building material of a design of a building on development of an internal fire are carried out. Brick was used as a building material in the first variant, concrete in the second variant, aerated concrete in the third variant, and expanded clay concrete in the fourth variant. Taking into account the proposed method and conditions of internal fire development, graphical dependences of thermal conductivity coefficient and fire development time are constructed, according to which it is established that when using concrete as a building material – maximum thermal conductivity coefficient – 0,0823 W/(m2·K) for 5 min internal fire, and 0.0412 W/(m2·K) for 20 min, and from aerated concrete minimum – 0,0153 W/(m2·K) for 5 min and 0.0076 W/(m2·K) for 20 min. At the same time, the time of thermal penetration through the wall according to the first option is 81,15 minutes, according to the second option – 70,0 minutes, the third option – 148,8 minutes, the fourth option – 80,0 minutes. There are also graphical dependences on the increase in wall temperature on the rate of energy release in four variants during the development of internal fire for 5 minutes and 20 minutes. It is established that the minimum value of the temperature of the concrete wall, depending on the rate of energy release for 5 minutes of fire development is about 208 ºC, and for 20 minutes – 260 ºC. The maximum value of the temperature of the wall of aerated concrete and expanded clay concrete for 5 minutes of fire development is about 350 ºC, and for 20 minutes – 440 ºC. The results of the research allow to increase the level of operational readiness of the personnel of fire and rescue units during the operational actions to extinguish internal fires, as well as in determining the fire hazard of building materials.
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Determination of thermal impact formation parameters for testing fire detectors
Yaroslav Kalchenko
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Kostiantyn Afanasenko
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Diana Іstratova
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Keywords: thermoresistive sensitive element, thermal fire detector, thermal effect
Experimental studies have been carried out to determine the parameters of the formation of thermal effects on the thermoresistive sensitive element of thermal fire detectors during tests using a method based on the Joule-Lenz law. According to the results of the experiment, a mathematical model of the dependence of the temperature of the thermistor on the electric current and the electric voltage applied to it during the tests. The graph of dependence of temperature of a sensitive element on these parameters is constructed. From the analysis of the graph it follows that the temperature of the sensitive element of the thermal fire detector largely depends on the electrical voltage applied to it during the tests. The time of reaching the temperature of the thermoresistive sensitive element of the temperature of operation of thermal fire detectors of class A1 has been experimentally determined. The numerical values of the parameters of the formation of thermal influence on the thermoresistive sensitive element of the thermal detector, when conducting tests based on the Joule-Lenz law, are presented in the form of tables. The recommended values of electric voltage and electric current for heating the thermoresistive sensitive element to a temperature of 54 ºС, which is the minimum operating temperature of thermal fire detectors of class A1, have been determined. Limit values of electric voltage and electric current at which the sensitive element of the detector is not heated to the minimum operating temperature are determined. It is shown that the obtained research results can form the basis for the development of new thermal fire detectors, which are tested in automatic mode and at the place of its installation. It is shown that conducting tests of thermal fire detectors by a method based on the Joule-Lenz law will reduce the time of its conduct by at least 1,83 times.
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Calculation of working profiles of rotary machines, consistent with their gears
Leonid Kutsenko
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Sergey Vasyliev
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Borys Kryvoshei
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Elena Sukharkova
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Keywords: geometric modeling, rotary planetary mechanism, Wankel machine, functions of a complex variable
A method for calculating a rotary planetary machine of the Wankel system is presented. A feature of the Wankel machine is that the movement of the rotor in relation to the body is carried out using a planetary mechanism, which is based on an internal gear. The proposed method makes it possible to take into account the connection between the parameters of the geometric shape of two pairs of mutually conjugate curves characteristic of the Wankel machine. The first pair of curves are the working profiles of the casing and the rotor. The second pair is formed by the tooth profiles of the internal gears. Accounting for this connection made it possible to find a description of the function of the change in time of working volumes limited by the profiles of the body and rotor (i.e., to determine the productivity of the machine). As a result of the research, it was found that the performance of the Wankel machine can be found by taking into account three features of this machine. The shaping of the conjugated working profiles of the rotor and stator is carried out using a planetary mechanism, for the calculation of which the functions of complex variables are used. The performance function of the machine is determined by the change in time of the volumes of space limited by the working profiles of the rotor and housing. An approximate description of the functions of changing the working volumes of the machine with time was carried out using specially developed graphic constructions. To match the geometrical parameters of the Wankel with the parameters of the tooth profiles of the gear train of the internal clutch, a method of graphic running has been developed. The results obtained are useful because the scheme of the considered Wankel machine is embedded in the design of the internal combustion engine of the same name, as well as in the design of various hydraulic machines, pumps, compressors, etc.
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Research of parameters of explosive zones of reservoirs with light oil products
Oleg Kulakov
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Albert Katunin
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Yuliia Mykhailovska
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Keywords: explosive zone, reservoir, light oil products, explosive environment, wind speed, speed of source
Classes and sizes of explosive zones of reservoirs are set with light oil products depending on the terms of their storage: into a reservoir, round respiratory to the valve that does not eliminate the coil of dangerous vapour from a reservoir in an atmosphere, and during rapid uncatastrophic depressurization of reservoir. Calculations came true by three methods: by the calculation method of determination of hypothetical volume, calculation method with the use of nomograms and determined method. The calculations executed by the determined method do not answer the results got with the use of calculation methods. Calculations, determinations of hypothetical volume conducted by a method, the high sizes of explosive zones give pain in comparing to got a method with the use of nomograms. Classes and sizes of zones after the determined method are fixed and case insensitive environment. Into a reservoir the explosive zone of class takes place 0. Round a respiratory to the valve reservoir depending on the rate of movement evaporation through opening to the valve at different speeds of wind at normal terms after calculation methods time of existence of explosive zone is maximal in default of the forced dispersion of explosive mixture. At the increase of rate of movement evaporation through opening of respiratory to the valve increase of radius of explosive zone it takes place on a logarithmic law. The change of temperature results in the insignificant change of radius. During depressurization of reservoir of increase of radius of explosive zone at the increase of speed of source takes place also on a logarithmic law. Radius of zone, got the method of determination of hypothetical volume have in two times exceeds the radius expected by a method with the use of nomograms. A maximally possible radius presents a 20 m and 9 m accordingly at speed of source of petrol 10 kg/s a radius is fixed the Determined method at the level of a 3 m for all terms of source.
- Kulakov, O. V., Katunin, A. M., Lyashevska, О. І. (2021). Osoblyvosti vyznachennia klasiv i rozmiriv vybukhonebezpechnykh zon, shcho stvoriuiutsia navkolo zovnishnikh ustanovok. Problemy nadzvychainykh sytuatsii, 33, 167–
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