Іncreasing the level of people’s safety during an air alarm
Shakhov Stanislav
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Vinogradov Stanislav
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Melnychenko Andrii
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Saveliev Dmytro
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Semkiv Valeria
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52363/2524-0226-2024-39-10
Keywords: evacuation, shelter, civil defense facilities, air alarm, PathFinder, PyroSim
The object of the study is the duration of evacuation in the event of an air alarm to shelter on the example of an object with a mass presence of people located in the front-line region. Despite a significant number of studies devoted to evacuation, the majority of them were considered in the event of fires. In accordance with this, recommendations were given to increase the efficiency of evacuation using various methods. However, the issue of the duration of people's movement to shelter during a missile threat following an air warning signal has not yet been considered. A 3-D model of the building located in the front-line region was developed in accordance with spatial planning decisions. The sources of open information on the number of shelling in the region where the object is located were analyzed. As of the end of 2023, 47 cases were registered. The average time of approach of missiles to the city where the object is located is 30–40 seconds. According to this, the criteria for the safe time required to reach the shelter are established. When people are placed on the 1st-6th floors, the duration of evacuation to the shelter is 92,8 s, at a speed of movement of 1.66 m/s. In this case, only 33 %, namely 40 people manage to reach the shelter in 40 seconds. The remaining 67 %, namely 81 people, need another 52,8 seconds to reach a safe moon in case of a missile threat during an air alert. Places of placement of people in the premises of the object with a mass stay of people were optimized and recommendations were given regarding the speed of movement to the shelter. Proper provision of timely evacuation depends on the speed of movement and the location of people on the floors of the building. For this object, the optimal solution, which ensures the preservation of the lives of 95 % of people from the total number, is an immediate response to an alarm signal, a ban on placing people higher than 1 floor, and movement at a speed of at least 8 km/h.
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Оptimization of the method of assessing the efficiencyof reactive fire protection coatings
Hryhorenko Oleksandr
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Saienko Natalia
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Zolkina Yevheniia
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Lypovyi Volodymyr
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52363/2524-0226-2024-39-9
Keywords: effectiveness of fire protection, method, reactive coating, testing, metal fire protection, building constructions
A critical analysis of methods for assessing the fire-resistant effectiveness of reactive fire-resistant coatings was carried out. It was established that during research aimed at the development of new formulations of flame retardant compounds, it is expedient to use simplified test methods, which would make it possible to significantly simplify the experiment and reduce the time for processing its results. A method of comparative assessment of fire protection efficiency using an electric oven with an isolated test chamber for heat accumulation as a source of thermal radiation, which allows obtaining a temperature on the reverse side of a metal plate above 950 °C, is proposed. As a criterion of fire protection efficiency, it is proposed to use a comparison of the time of reaching the critical temperature (500 °С) on the outside of metal plates protected by fire protection coatings. The effectiveness of fire protection of a metal plate according to the proposed method was investigated for three samples of reactive type fire retardants: a coating based on epoxy oligomer, ammonium polyphosphate, aluminum hydroxide and intercalated graphite, a coating based on styrene-acrylic industrial production and a known coating based on epoxy oligomer filled with ammonium monophosphate and intercalated graphite. It was established that the effectiveness of metal fire protection with a coating based on epoxy oligomer, ammonium polyphosphate, aluminum hydroxide, and intercalated graphite, estimated by comparing the heating time of the metal plate, is 1.3 times higher than the known analog based on epoxy and 1.6 times higher than reactive fire-resistant coating on a styrene-acrylic basis of industrial production, tested under the same conditions. The application of the proposed optimized method allows to provide a comparative assessment of the efficiency of coatings, using as a criterion the time to reach the critical temperature (500 °C) on the reverse side of the metal plate.
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Simulation of the work of the magnetic contact thermal fire alarm
Durieiev Viacheslav
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Khrystych Valerii
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Bondarenko Serhiy
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Maliarov Murat
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Prokofiev Mykhailo
Donetsk National University named after Vasyl Stus
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52363/2524-0226-2024-39-7
Keywords: fire detector, sensitive element, mathematical model, inertia, activation time, activation temperature
A mathematical model of the magnetic contact thermal detector was developed, taking into account the dependence of the magnetic properties of the contacts of the sensitive element on the structure and type of its contacts. Equations for determining the dynamic parameters of the detector were obtained, and a parametric study of the triggering characteristics was performed. An analysis of sources was carried out, which made it possible to develop mathematical models of detectors with detailed consideration of the typical structure of the material of sensitive elements in order to obtain the dynamic parameters of the detector and determine the optimal parameters of its activation. The model of the detector is a set of equations that determine the conditions of heat exchange with the environment and take into account the dependence of the magnetic properties of the contacts of the sensitive element of a typical structure when the temperature of the environment changes during non-stationary heat exchange. The result of modeling the detector’s operation is dynamic equations in relative variables and dynamic parameters of the detector’s operation, which allow determining the parameters of the detector’s operation, taking into account the typical contact structure of the sensitive element. The dynamics equations represent a classical positional link of the first order and are convenient for carrying out studies of detector operation, calculations of dynamic parameters and parametric calculations of actuation parameters. Dynamic equations have been developed to determine and study the dynamic parameters of the magnetic contact detector. The type and structure of the contact material of the sensitive element of the detector is taken into account. The results of comparative calculations deviate from the experimental data by up to 5 %. The performed simulation of the detector and the obtained dynamics equations allow us to provide practical recommendations for the selection of technical parameters for promising models of magnetic contact detectors.
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Іmprovement of the undercar extinguishing trolley with a gel-forming composition sprayer
Ostapov Kostiantyn
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Senchykhyn Iurii
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Avetisуan Vadim
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Kirichenko Igor
Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University
Tarasenko Oleksandr
Karazin Banking Institute
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52363/2524-0226-2024-39-8
Keywords: gel-forming composition, fire-extinguishing powder, subway, subway cars, undercarriage extinguishing trolley
Together with the general improvement of the undercarriage fire extinguishing trolley at metro stations, a universal mixer-sprayer of the gel-forming composition is proposed. Solutions have been worked out on laboratory equipment, which ensure an increase in the efficiency of fire extinguishing, and ultimately simplify the conditions for conducting rescue operations at subway stations. The project of improving the cart with a mixer-sprayer of gel-forming compositions is proposed. The improved trolley makes it easier to carry out rescue operations and increases the efficiency of extinguishing. The gel-forming fire-extinguishing substance itself covers the burning elements of the undercarriage equipment without excessive loss of mass. As a result of research: the tactical and technical advantages of undercarriage fire extinguishing in the subway with gel-forming systems using a universal mixer-sprayer, which is an integral part of an improved narrow-gauge trolley, have been proven. Rational solutions are proposed that shorten the time of extinguishing fires at stations and reduce the consumption of extinguishing agents by 10–20 % compared to other previously proposed fire extinguishing devices under cars at metro stations. Simulation studies of the tactical and technical qualities of the improved cart with a universal mixer-sprayer of gel-forming composition of the «Segner wheel» type were carried out. The cart is capable of extinguishing likely complex fires under cars at subway stations. In addition, in all cases of under-car fire extinguishing at subway stations, it is expected to improve the conditions of emergency rescue operations when evacuating people from the station premises and from the cars involved in the fire.
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Kustov Maksim
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Kulakov Oleg
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Karpov Artem
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Basmanov Oleksii
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Mykhailovska Yuliia
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
DOI: https://doi.org/10.52363/2524-0226-2024-39-6
Keywords: dielectric constant, dielectric loss tangent, electrodynamic model, electromagnetic wave, explosive object, explosive material
An electrodynamic model of the interaction of a microwave electromagnetic wave randomly falling on the surface of an explosive substance as a simple unencased explosive object is constructed. The model was created by solving Maxwell’s equations with appropriate boundary conditions. The model allows for a numerical assessment of the ability of explosives to reflect and localise the energy of electromagnetic waves. The determining parameters for this are the angle of falling of the electromagnetic wave and the parameters of the explosive substance. The application of the model makes it possible to calculate the reflection and refraction coefficients of the electromagnetic field power. It has been shown that for real explosives with small dielectric loss angles, this parameter does not significantly affect the interaction of an electromagnetic wave with the surface of an explosive. The most suitable for remote detection by irradiation with an electromagnetic wave are explosives with a high value of relative permittivity. For explosive substances with a low value of the relative permittivity, a significant amount of electromagnetic energy is refracted through the surface of the explosive substance and this energy can be absorbed by the explosive substance. The degree of absorption is determined by the value of the dielectric loss tangent – the greater the dielectric loss tangent, the more energy must be absorbed. For such explosives, it is possible to detonate them remotely by irradiating them with an electromagnetic wave. Explosive substances with intermediate values of relative permittivity have medium possibilities for remote detection and remote detonation by electromagnetic wave irradiation. Thus, the developed model makes it possible to evaluate the possibility of remote detection and deactivation of explosive objects by irradiating them with an electromagnetic wave.
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