Use of fire- and vibration-protective mastics in railway transport
Skripinets Anna
M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv
Saienko Natalia
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Hryhorenko Oleksandr
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Afanasenko Kostiantyn
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Makarenko Olga
M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv
Keywords: epoxyurethane mastic, viscoelastic researches, damping, fire safety, toxicity, railway transport
A difficult combustible epoxyurethane mastic with increased vibration-damping properties and the necessary physical and mechanical properties has been developed for lining internal metal surfaces of railway rolling stock. Epoxyurethane network polymers were used as a polymer matrix. To reduce flammability, the fire-retardant additive ammonium polyphosphate was used, and a filler with a hydrophobized surface was used to impart thixotropic properties Aerosil. Dynamic mechanical spectroscopy using a dynamic relaxometer was used as a method for studying viscoelastic properties. The study of viscoelastic properties was carried out in the ultra-low frequency range of 0.7–1.0 Hz, which minimizes the effect of external mechanical influences on changes in the structure of the polymer matrix in the temperature range from –100 to +100 °C. It has been determined that compositions based on oligester cyclo-cab modified with an epoxy diane oligomer are characterized by the best damping capacity (tgδ=0.97). It has been established that the developed mastic composition containing a fire retardant and thixotropic additive has the highest damping capacity (tgδ=0.45–0.47) in the highly elastic region; this composition can be used as a vibration-absorbing material, operable at temperatures from –60 °C up to +60 °C. It has been established that the developed mastic belongs to the group of difficult combustible materials, with slow flame propagation, moderate smoke generating ability and are moderately hazardous in terms of toxicity. The achieved level of characteristics of the difficult combustible vibration damping mastic testifies about the prospects of its further use for facing the internal metal surfaces of bodies of railway rolling stock in order to ensure their fire safety and acoustic comfort.
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Silicophosphate fireproof coatings for building materials
Lysak Nataliia
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Skorodumova Olga
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Chernukha Anton
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Goncharenko Yana
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Melezhyk Roman
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Keywords: fire-resistant coatings, building materials, liquid glass, SiO2 sol, phosphate buffer solution, fire resistance
The composition of silicophosphate fire-resistant coatings for wooden building structures was developed and their properties were investigated. Fireproof compositions were obtained by mixing aqueous solutions of liquid glass and acetic acid. As a phosphate-containing additive, phosphate buffer solutions were used, which were added to the silicic acid sol in different amounts and with different ratios of the components of the buffer pair. Adjusting the ratio of the components of the buffer solution led to a change in the pH of the buffer solutions, but adding them to the sol did not change its acidity, which was in the pH range of 5.5–6. The effect of the content and ratio of the components of the buffer pair on the change in the optical density of the obtained sols over time was studied. The highest durability of the flame retardant composition was recorded when using a buffer solution with a pH of 7 at a content of 20%. The embedding of phosphate ions into the siloxane framework of experimental gels has been chemically proven, which increases their fire resistance. It is shown that the amount of free phosphate anion in the intermicellar liquid of the experimental gels is less than 5%. The mechanism of the strengthening effect of the acetate buffer solution, which is formed during the mixing of the liquid glass solution with acetic acid, on the phosphate buffer solution is proposed. Fire-retardant compositions were applied to wood samples by the bath method and dried at temperatures of 80–100 ˚С in a drying cabinet. The fire protection effect of coatings was determined during fire tests in a ceramic pipe. The effect of the content of phosphate buffer solution on the fire-retardant properties of experimental coatings was studied. It is shown that increasing the content of the phosphate buffer solution reduces mass loss during fire tests, allows to increase the fire resistance of wood and transfer it to the group of "highly flammable".
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Оperational readiness of a typical fragment of the departmental digital telecommunication network
Feshchenko Andreу
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Zakora Аlexander
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Sobyna Vitaliy
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Keywords: digital telecommunication network, reliability, operational availability ratio, probability of failure-free operation
A probabilistic model of a typical fragment of a departmental digital telecommunications network, which takes into account the influence of the redundancy structure and operational parameters of failure and maintainability of its nodes and data transmission channels on its operational readiness ratio, was studied. A probabilistic model of the coefficient of operational readiness of a typical fragment of a digital telecommunication network after failures in an emergency situation was obtained and analyzed, and the relationship between the coefficient of operational readiness and operational parameters was established. It is indicated that the required coefficient of operational availability of a typical fragment of a digital telecommunications network is achieved not only by increasing the reliability of nodes, but also by choosing a structure of redundancy and a mode of maintenance of data transmission channels, which are not yet defined, that is why research is carried out on the dependence of the coefficient of operational readiness of a typical fragment of a departmental telecommunications network on normalized operational parameters for structures without redundancy and with redundancy of data transmission channels by the method of statistical mathematical modeling. It has been established that in order to achieve the required operational readiness ratio while reducing the requirements for the reliability of nodes of a typical fragment of a departmental digital telecommunications network, it is sufficient to apply structurally separate at least two-fold redundancy of data transmission channels, in the presence of triple redundancy of data transmission channels, the efficiency also does not increase significantly. Research data are useful for predicting the operational readiness ratio during operation and planning the required maintenance regime for nodes and data transmission channels of a typical fragment of the de-partmental telecommunications network, depending on the ratio of the period of preventive work to the recovery time for failure during operation.
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Roianov Oleksii
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Katunin Albert
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Kulakov Oleg
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Bogatov Oleg
Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University
Keywords: explosion and fire hazard, overpressure of explosion, flammable dust, explosion dust, category of premises according to fire and explosion hazard
Estimated explosion pressure of the dust-air mixture in the industrial premises was evaluated taking into account air humidity to determine the category of the premises according to explosion and fire hazard. The study presents data that demonstrate the presence of water vapor in the air and reflect its sensitivity to ambient temperature. During the research, the calculation of the overpressure of the explosion in the working room and equipment with a dust-air mixture was carried out. At the same time, a hypothesis was put forward regarding the influence of humidity in the room with dust-air mixtures on the obtained value of the calculated overpressure of the explosion. The error with which this value will be determined, in turn, can lead to the adoption of a wrong decision regarding the specified category of the premises in terms of explosion and fire hazard. In order to test the proposed hypothesis, calculations were carried out for two cases – without taking into account and taking into account the humidity in the air of the surrounding environment. The input values for the calculations were chosen in accordance with the requirements for ensuring environmental parameters in industrial premises with dust-air mixtures. The results obtained during the research confirmed the proposed hypothesis regarding the influ-ence of humidity on the value of the calculated overpressure of the explosion. The influence of humidity in the environment on the accuracy of the obtained value of the calculated excess pressure is a recognized fact and requires additional research. The results of the estimates obtained during the study confirm the need to take into account the influence of the humidity of the environment in the production room on the calculated value of the excess pressure of the explosion. Based on the results of these calculations, a conclusion is made regarding the belonging of a room with a dust-air mixture to a certain category in terms of explosion-fire hazard, as well as the need to take precautionary measures to reduce the fire-explosion hazard of environments in industrial premises.
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Pospelov Boris
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Rybka Evgeniy
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Meleshchenko Ruslan
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Bezuhla Yuliiа
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Yashchenko Oleksandr
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Borodych Pavlo
National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine
Keywords: measure, average bicoherence, change of dangerous parameters, gas medium, ignition of material
The object of the study is the dangerous parameters of the gas environment during the ignition of materials in the premises. The importance of such research is related to the possibility of using the average bicoherence measure to detect fires and prevent emergency situations due to fire. The measure of the average bicoherence of arbitrary dangerous parameters of the gas environment on a free time interval is substantiated. Experimentally studied features of the average bicoherence measure of the frequency components of the spectrum of the main dangerous parameters of the gas environment in the model chamber at the intervals of reliable absence and presence of ignition of typical ignition materials. The results show that the dynamics of the dangerous parameters of the gas environment in the chamber at the intervals of the absence and presence of fires has a complex non-linear nature. It was established that the difference in the average bicoherence measure for the frequency components in the spectrum of changes in the hazardous parameters of the gas environment in the presence and absence of fires has a different and individual character. It is noted that the individual characteristics of the average bicoherence measure can act as a possible sign for the detection of fires. It was found that the maximum value of the measure equal to 1.0 for all frequency indices occurs before the ignition of alcohol and paper. Before the ignition of wood and textiles, the values of the frequency index measures are random and range from 0.4 to 0.8. It was established that the ignition of materials leads to the loss of the initial third-order relationships between the frequency components in the spectra. This makes it possible to consider the specified loss of connections as a general sign of fire detection by calculating the proposed measure of average bicoherence of hazardous parameters of the gas environment in the premises.
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