Modeling the thermal effect of a fire in an oil tank to the next tank
Oleksii Basmanov
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Maksym Maksymenko
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Volodymyr Oliinik
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Keywords: emergency, tank fire, fire heat impact, radiant heat transfer, convective heat transfer
The forecasting of the consequences of emergencies caused by the fire of a vertical steel tank with oil product in the tank group is considered. Due to the thermal impact of the fire on the next tanks, there is a threat of cascading fire. Assumptions based on the model of heating the tank shell under the thermal influence of a fire in the adjacent tank are substantiated. This model is a differential equation that describes the process of heat transfer inside the tank shell, with boundary conditions on the outer and inner surfaces of the shell. These boundary conditions describe the heat exchange of the shell surfaces with the torch, the environment and the vapor-air mixture in the gas space of the tank. The model takes into account heat exchange by radiation and convection. An estimation of the value of the mutual irradiation coefficient with a torch for an arbitrary point on the tank shell is obtained. It is shown that after transition to dimensionless coordinates the value of the irradiation coefficient for all tanks with a capacity of up to 20000 m3 depends only on the type of liquid – flammable or highly flammable. An estimation of the convective heat transfer coefficient under free convection conditions with ambient air for the outer surface of the tank shell and with a vapor-air mixture in the gas space of the tank for the inner shell surface is obtained. The estimation is obtained by using the methods of similarity theory.
Numerical solution of the heat balance equation for the tank shell allows finding the temperature distribution on the shell at an arbitrary time. This allows determining the area on the tank shell that needs cooling and determining the time limit of its onset. It is shown that within 5 minutes after the start of the fire, the temperature of the part of the adjacent tank shell that facing the fire reaches dangerous values.
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Choice of bulk materials for extinguishing polar flammable liquids
Ilham Babashov
Academy of the Ministry of Emergencies of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Ilgar Dadashov
Academy of the Ministry of Emergencies of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Oleksandr Kireev
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Alexander Savchenko
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Keywords: extinguishing liquids, polar flammable liquids, ethanol, bulk materials, foam glass, adsorbents, combustion inhibitors
The study of the previously proposed method of extinguishing polar liquids with fire extinguishing agents based on light bulk porous materials is continued. The analysis of characteristics (adsorption properties in relation to ethanol vapor, the effect of combustion inhibition) and the choice of bulk materials for extinguishing flammable polar liquids. The bulk density, moisture content and buoyancy in ethanol of a number of selected bulk materials with different dominant mechanisms of cessation of combustion and different sizes and shapes of granules were experimentally determined. It has been established that the greatest buoyancy of a two-layer fire extinguishing system can be ensured with the help of foam glass with granule sizes (10–15), (15–25) and (25–35) mm. The influence of the characteristics of bulk materials on their fire-extinguishing properties: bulk density, buoyancy, water retention, ability to fill the voids of the lower layer and wake up through this layer is analyzed. Based on the determination of the ability to fall through the layer of granular foam glass, it was found that the lowest pouring provides the lower layer of foam glass with a granule size (10–15) mm. It was determined that the best adsorption properties in relation to ethanol vapor exhibits silica gel – 5,3 wt. %. It is concluded that for further study of the fire extinguishing properties of a two-layer fire extinguishing system designed to extinguish flammable polar liquids as a material that provides buoyancy, it is advisable to choose foam glass with a granule size (10–15) mm. For the top layer, it is advisable to test all substances that can inhibit the combustion process, as well as zeolites, granular silica gel, foam glass with a granule size (5–10) mm, expanded perlite with granules with a diameter of (1–1,5) mm, and two varieties exfoliated vermiculite.
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Mathematical model of the thermistor fire detector
Viacheslav Durieiev
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Alexander Litvyak
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Valerii Khrystych
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Keywords: fire detector, mathematical model, sensitive element, dynamic parameter, inertia, fire
The scientific task of developing mathematical models of thermistor thermal fire detectors is considered, taking into account the combined influence of the type, material, design and geometric parameters of the thermistor sensitive element on the dynamic parameters of the thermal fire detector. The analysis of literary sources proved the need for a detailed study of the existing mathematical models of thermal fire detectors in order to obtain the values of their dynamic parameters and improve their technical characteristics. The model is a system of differential equations for non-stationary heat exchange and the dependence of the resistance of the sensitive element of the detector on temperature. The solution of such a system is an inertial dynamic link that describes the operation of a thermal fire detector with a thermistor sensitive element. Mathematical models for thermistors with positive and negative coefficient of temperature resistance have been developed. The constants and values of the nominal resistances make it possible to take into account the composition of the semiconductor material, the structural design and the geometric parameters of its sensitive element in the model of the thermistor thermal detector. Dynamic links have been obtained that allow determining the dynamic parameters of thermistor thermal fire detectors, taking into account the combined influence of the type, material, design and geometric parameters of the sensitive element with a posistor and thermistor. Equations for parametric studies of the dependence of the dynamic parameters of detectors on the characteristics of sensitive elements have been determined. A comparison of the obtained results of the calculation of dynamic parameters with experimental data shows that the discrepancies do not exceed 5 %. Recommendations on the selection of geometric characteristics of thermistor sensitive elements of thermal fire detectors and ways to improve their dynamic parameters have been developed and given.
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Viktoriya Makarenko
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Oleksandr Kireev
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Evgen Slepuzhnikov
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Maryna Chyrkina
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Keywords: flammable liquids, binary fire extinguishing system, perlite, vermiculite, foam glass, dispersed powders, crystal hydrates
The influence of dispersed powders on quenching of flammable liquids by means of use of binary layers of light porous materials is investigated. The choice of granular foam glass as a material of the lower layer of the binary system is substantiated. Exfoliated perlite and vermiculite were chosen for the upper layer, which exhibits increased insulating properties. It is proposed to apply powders on the upper layer of the binary fire extinguishing system: sand, ground talc, hollow glass microspheres. The use of the following low-melting powders of crystal hydrates of medium degree of dispersion was also investigated: aluminum sulfate, sodium acetate, sodium hydrogen phosphate, sodium potassium acid, zinc sulfate and sodium thiosulfate. This reduces the volume of the cavities of this layer, which will increase the insulating properties of the fire extinguishing system. For the selected materials of the fire extinguishing system are defined: bulk density, buoyancy, moisture retention and ability to fill the cavities of the layer of material below. The highest buoyancy and the lowest bulk density of the binary fire extinguishing system is provided by the use of crushed foam glass as the bottom layer. The use of expanded perlite with a granule size of 1,2±0,2 mm and lamellar vermiculite with a plate size of 2×2,5 and 2×5 mm ensures the highest moisture content and the lowest ability to spill powders through the upper layer of the fire extinguishing system. Based on the study of the effect of fine powders of low-melting crystal hydrates on the fire-extinguishing characteristics of binary layers of light porous materials, it was found that the best results provide the use of crystal hydrates of sodium acetate (1,5 kg/m2), sodium hydrogen phosphate (0,12 kg/m2) and zinc sulfate (1,3 kg/m2). Of the latter, sodium hydrogen phosphate crystal hydrate is the most effective.
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Organizational and technical methods of emergency evacuation of the population from the zone of emergency situation
Vladimir Komyak
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Valentina Komyak
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Kyazim Kyazimov
Academy of the Ministry of Emergencies of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Keywords: emergency evacuation, organizational and technical methods, heterogeneous flows of people, high-rise buildings, optimization
Organizational and technical methods of evacuating the population from the emergency zone along routes with different characteristics, such as stairs, corridors, elevators, means of emergency evacuation from high-rise buildings and along horizontal routes, taking into account the category of comfort of people's movement, have been developed. Effective evacuation from high-rise buildings is hindered by a number of reasons, the main of which is that stairs, as the main means of evacuation, do not provide sufficient throughput for the safe evacuation of people from such buildings. The problem of emergency evacuation from high-rise buildings has been set, which includes the movement of people along corridors, stairs, with the help of elevators, and additionally – with the help of emergency evacuation means. The properties of the problem were investigated. It is substantiated that the task of optimizing the selection of paths and means for evacuation from high-rise buildings has two stages of solution: discrete – optimization on a discrete set, which can be represented, for example, by a solution tree, and continuous – modeling the movement of heterogeneous flows of people through the network, the components of which are corridors, stairs, paths of movement of elevators and means of emergency evacuation. As a discrete optimization method, variant modeling on a network describing a solution tree is proposed. For the continuous stage, in particular for horizontal paths, organizational and technical methods of emergency evacuation of heterogeneous flows of people are proposed, taking into account the category of comfort of their movement. The effectiveness of the developed organizational and technical methods of evacuating the population from the emergency zone is shown on test examples. The software developed in the work can be used for quick decision-making regarding the choice of safe evacuation routes, which is one of the most important problems of the life safety of the population.
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