Published: 24.04.2024


        1. D. Tregubov, L. Trefilova, N. Minska, Yu. Hapon, D. Sokolov. Nonlinearities correlation of n-alkanes and n-alcohols physicochemical properties. Р. 4-24.
        2. D. Beliuchenko, V. Strelets, T. Lutsenko, P. Korchahin, І. Malovyk, O. Rebrov. Justification of standards for evaluating operational performance in armor protection means. Р. 25-39.
        3. V. Makarenko, О. Kireev, М. Chyrkina-Kharlamova, Y. Slepuzhnikov, O. Kovalov. Fire-extinguishing characteristics of light bulk materials for class "B" fires. Р. 40-54.
        4. О. Basmanov, М. Maksymenko, V. Oliinyk. Тhe optimal choice of forces and means for cooling the tank in case of fire in the tank group. Р. 55-65.
        5. I. Neklonskyi, O. Smyrnov. Risk-based approach to the implementation of the technology of the disposal of anti-tank reactive projectile. Р. 66-80.
        6. M. Kustov, O. Kulakov, A. Karpov, О. Basmanov, Yu. Mykhailovska. Еlectrodynamic model of the interaction of an electromagnetic wave with the surface of explosive material. Р. 81-95.
        7. V. Durieiev, V. Khrystych, S. Bondarenko, M. Maliarov, M. Prokofiev. Simulation of the work of the magnetic contact thermal fire alarm. Р. 96-108.
        8. K. Ostapov, Y. Senchykhyn, V. Avetisуan, I. Kirichenko, O. Tarasenko. Іmprovement of the undercar extinguishing trolley with a gel-forming composition sprayer. Р. 109-123.
        9. O. Hryhorenko, N. Saienko, Ye. Zolkina, V. Lypovyi. Оptimization of the method of assessing the efficiencyof reactive fire protection coatings. Р. 124-134.
        10. S. Shakhov, S. Vinogradov, A. Melnychenko, D. Saveliev, V. Semkiv. Іncreasing the level of people’s safety during an air alarm. Р.135-146.
        11. S. Zimin, K. Afanasenko. Тhe heat transfer coefficient of the torch installation under the conditions of free convection. Р. 147-156.
        12. Y. Kalchenko, К. Afanasenko, S. Vavreniuk, D. Pisklova. Аssessment of excess pressure during accidents at oil refineries. Р. 157-166.
        13. R. Kovalenko, S. Nazarenko, E. Muhlyk, K. Ostapov. Рatterns of the occurrence of fires in cities during marital state. Р. 167-178.
        14. V. Kohanenko, B. Kryvoshei. Аnalysis of characteristic defects of fire tanker tires and methods of their determination. Р. 179-191.
        15. L. Kutsenko, S. Rudenko, A. Kalynovskyi, O. Polivanov, О. Sukharkova. Geometric modeling of pneumatic shaped surfaces of rotation, reinforced by winding thread. Р. 192-217.
        16. B. Pospelov, E. Rybka, R. Meleschenko, Y. Bezuhla, O. Yashchenko, P. Borodych. Features of the average bihoherentity of the dynamics of the parameters of the gas environment at the appearance of fire. Р. 218-236.
        17. А. Feshchenko, А. Zakora, V. Sobyna. Оperational readiness of a typical fragment of the departmental digital telecommunication network. Р. 237-251.
        18. O. Roianov, A. Katunin, O. Kulakov, O. Bogatov. Аssessment of the influence of air humidity on the explosion and fire hazard of premises with combustible dust. Р. 252-261.
        19. N. Lysak, O. Skorodumova, A. Chernukha, Y. Goncharenko, R. Melezhуk. Silicophosphate fireproof coatings for building materials. Р. 262-271.
        20. A. Skripinets, N. Saienko, O. Hryhorenkо, K. Afanasenko, O. Makarenko. Use of fire- and vibration-protective mastics in railway transport. Р. 272-284.