Еlectrodynamic model of the interaction of an electromagnetic wave with the surface of explosive material


Kustov Maksim

National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine



Kulakov Oleg

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine



Karpov Artem

National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine



Basmanov Oleksii

National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine



Mykhailovska Yuliia

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine



DOI: https://doi.org/10.52363/2524-0226-2024-39-6


Keywords: dielectric constant, dielectric loss tangent, electrodynamic model, electromagnetic wave, explosive object, explosive material




An electrodynamic model of the interaction of a microwave electromagnetic wave randomly falling on the surface of an explosive substance as a simple unencased explosive object is constructed. The model was created by solving Maxwell’s equations with appropriate boundary conditions. The model allows for a numerical assessment of the ability of explosives to reflect and localise the energy of electromagnetic waves. The determining parameters for this are the angle of falling of the electromagnetic wave and the parameters of the explosive substance. The application of the model makes it possible to calculate the reflection and refraction coefficients of the electromagnetic field power. It has been shown that for real explosives with small dielectric loss angles, this parameter does not significantly affect the interaction of an electromagnetic wave with the surface of an explosive. The most suitable for remote detection by irradiation with an electromagnetic wave are explosives with a high value of relative permittivity. For explosive substances with a low value of the relative permittivity, a significant amount of electromagnetic energy is refracted through the surface of the explosive substance and this energy can be absorbed by the explosive substance. The degree of absorption is determined by the value of the dielectric loss tangent – the greater the dielectric loss tangent, the more energy must be absorbed. For such explosives, it is possible to detonate them remotely by irradiating them with an electromagnetic wave. Explosive substances with intermediate values of relative permittivity have medium possibilities for remote detection and remote detonation by electromagnetic wave irradiation. Thus, the developed model makes it possible to evaluate the possibility of remote detection and deactivation of explosive objects by irradiating them with an electromagnetic wave.




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