Simulation of the work of the magnetic contact thermal fire alarm


Durieiev Viacheslav

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine


Khrystych Valerii

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine


Bondarenko Serhiy

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine


Maliarov Murat

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine


Prokofiev Mykhailo

Donetsk National University named after Vasyl Stus




Keywords: fire detector, sensitive element, mathematical model, inertia, activation time, activation temperature




A mathematical model of the magnetic contact thermal detector was developed, taking into account the dependence of the magnetic properties of the contacts of the sensitive element on the structure and type of its contacts. Equations for determining the dynamic parameters of the detector were obtained, and a parametric study of the triggering characteristics was performed. An analysis of sources was carried out, which made it possible to develop mathematical models of detectors with detailed consideration of the typical structure of the material of sensitive elements in order to obtain the dynamic parameters of the detector and determine the optimal parameters of its activation. The model of the detector is a set of equations that determine the conditions of heat exchange with the environment and take into account the dependence of the magnetic properties of the contacts of the sensitive element of a typical structure when the temperature of the environment changes during non-stationary heat exchange. The result of modeling the detector’s operation is dynamic equations in relative variables and dynamic parameters of the detector’s operation, which allow determining the parameters of the detector’s operation, taking into account the typical contact structure of the sensitive element. The dynamics equations represent a classical positional link of the first order and are convenient for carrying out studies of detector operation, calculations of dynamic parameters and parametric calculations of actuation parameters. Dynamic equations have been developed to determine and study the dynamic parameters of the magnetic contact detector. The type and structure of the contact material of the sensitive element of the detector is taken into account. The results of comparative calculations deviate from the experimental data by up to 5 %. The performed simulation of the detector and the obtained dynamics equations allow us to provide practical recommendations for the selection of technical parameters for promising models of magnetic contact detectors.




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