Іmprovement of the undercar extinguishing trolley with a gel-forming composition sprayer


Ostapov Kostiantyn

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine



Senchykhyn Iurii

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine



Avetisуan Vadim

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine



Kirichenko Igor

Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University



Tarasenko Oleksandr

Karazin Banking Institute



DOI: https://doi.org/10.52363/2524-0226-2024-39-8


Keywords: gel-forming composition, fire-extinguishing powder, subway, subway cars, undercarriage extinguishing trolley




Together with the general improvement of the undercarriage fire extinguishing trolley at metro stations, a universal mixer-sprayer of the gel-forming composition is proposed. Solutions have been worked out on laboratory equipment, which ensure an increase in the efficiency of fire extinguishing, and ultimately simplify the conditions for conducting rescue operations at subway stations. The project of improving the cart with a mixer-sprayer of gel-forming compositions is proposed. The improved trolley makes it easier to carry out rescue operations and increases the efficiency of extinguishing. The gel-forming fire-extinguishing substance itself covers the burning elements of the undercarriage equipment without excessive loss of mass. As a result of research: the tactical and technical advantages of undercarriage fire extinguishing in the subway with gel-forming systems using a universal mixer-sprayer, which is an integral part of an improved narrow-gauge trolley, have been proven. Rational solutions are proposed that shorten the time of extinguishing fires at stations and reduce the consumption of extinguishing agents by 10–20 % compared to other previously proposed fire extinguishing devices under cars at metro stations. Simulation studies of the tactical and technical qualities of the improved cart with a universal mixer-sprayer of gel-forming composition of the «Segner wheel» type were carried out. The cart is capable of extinguishing likely complex fires under cars at subway stations. In addition, in all cases of under-car fire extinguishing at subway stations, it is expected to improve the conditions of emergency rescue operations when evacuating people from the station premises and from the cars involved in the fire.




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