Justification of standards for evaluating operational performance in armor protection means


Beliuchenko Dmytro

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine



Strelets Victor

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine



Lutsenko Tatiana

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine



Korchahin Pavlo

State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Lugansk region



Malovyk Ighor

Department for the Prevention of Emergency Situations

of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine



Rebrov Oleksandr

State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Rivne region



DOI: https://doi.org/10.52363/2524-0226-2024-39-2


Keywords: standard, operational deployment, fire and rescue vehicle, armor protection




A scientific and methodological apparatus has been developed to substantiate standards for assessing the level of preparedness of fire-rescuers for the rapid deployment of fire-rescue vehicles in protective equipment with armor protection equipment, and standard assessments for standard options have been determined. For this purpose, the existing statistical method for substantiating the standards was improved by determining the weighted average estimates of the probabilities of the time of operational deployment in armor protection equipment falling within the intervals between the standards. This made it possible to take into account the diversity of expert opinions on this matter, which had not previously been taken into account. It has been established that in order to substantiate the required normative estimates, it is necessary to determine the inverse function of the standard normal distribution, taking into account its parameters (mathematical expectation and standard deviation of the time of implementation of the corresponding operational deployment), and estimates of the probability of obtaining the corresponding estimates in the form of weighted average estimates of the corresponding shares (frequencies) of all. possible results that fall within the intervals between (before, after) the required normative estimates. In accordance with the developed method, standards have been substantiated for assessing the level of preparedness of fire-rescuers to supply two fire trunks with the laying of a main line d=77 mm on three hoses and two working lines d=51 mm on two hoses with the installation of a fire-rescue vehicle on a fire hydrant , as well as to assess the level of preparedness for supplying a portable fire monitor with the laying of two main lines into three hoses d=77 mm with the installation of a fire and rescue vehicle on a fire hydrant. Their implementation will help eliminate the contradiction between the conditions for the use of fire and rescue vehicles, for which existing standards were developed, and modern conditions, when it is necessary to work in conditions of possible combat defeat.



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