Тhe optimal choice of forces and means for cooling the tank in case of fire in the tank group


Basmanov Oleksii

National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine



Maksymenko Maksym

National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine



Oliinik Volodymyr

National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine



DOI: https://doi.org/10.52363/2524-0226-2024-39-4


Keywords: tank fire, thermal influence of fire, fire localization, water cooling




The optimal choice of forces and means for cooling tanks in a tank group in the event of a fire in one of the tanks is considered. Optimality means the choice of forces and means that will ensure such intensity of water supply for cooling the walls and roofs of non-burning tanks, at which the corresponding parts of the tanks will not heat up to critical temperature values. As a criterion of optimality, the following can be selected: minimum water consumption, minimum number of personnel or minimum number of tankers providing water supply. The proposed approach is based on the model of cooling the tank with a water film, which takes into account the radiation and convection heat exchange of the wall or roof of the tank with the combustion center, the water film, the environment and the internal space of the tank. To solve the problem of optimal selection of forces and means, the intensity of water supply is first calculated, which ensures cooling of the wall and roof of the tank to safe temperature values. Next, based on the characteristics of the fire hydrants, their number is calculated, which ensures the calculated intensity of water supply through the hydrants of this type. This, in turn, allows determining the optimal choice of forces and means according to the selected criterion. It is shown that the tank on the windward side relative to the burning tank is exposed to the greatest danger. At the same time, the heat flow to its roof during the burning of combustible liquids reaches maximum values in light wind – (1.6÷3.4) m/s, and for flammable liquids it increases monotonically with increasing wind speed in the range of (0÷10) m/s. The obtained results can be used to build a plan for the localization and elimination of a fire in a tank group with oil and oil products.




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