
  1. Durieiev, V. Khrystych, S. Bondarenko, O. Antoshkin, M. Maliarov. Development of the mathematical model of the magneto-contact thermal fire alarm. P. 4-16.
  2. Zaika. Temperature distribution patterns of a steel beam with fire protection from gypsum board during fire. P. 17-29.
  3. О. Kireev, Yu. Hapon, Y. Slepuzhnikov, М. Chyrkina-Kharlamova, О. Cherkashyn. Selection of the most effective means of extinguishing flammable liquids. Р. 30-43.
  4. А. Lesko, O. Kulakov, S. Domoleha. Model of forced deposition of heavy dangerous gases. Р. 44-56.
  5. Karpov, M. Kustov, O. Kulakov, О. Basmanov, Yu. Mykhailovska. Interaction of an electromagnetic wave with the surface of a real explosive substance. Р. 57-71.
  6. Lysak, О. Skorodumova, А. Chernukha, A. Sharshanov, Y. Goncharenko, S. Shcherbak. Silicophosphate fireproof coatings for building finishing materials. Р. 72-85.
  7. Oliinyk, О. Basmanov. Мodel of spill shape and size when liquid is leaking and burning. Р. 86-98.
  8. Ostapov, О. Chaplyhin, А. Lisniak, I. Gritsina, S. Shevchenko, Yu. Krivoruchko. Оptimization of the composition of neutral gases for fire extinguishing in museum reservoirs. Р. 99-112.
  9. Stepanenko, O. Nuianzin, A. Perehin, D. Kryshtal, D. Kopytin. Results of the heating of reinforced concrete slabs with a corrugated profile during the thermal effect of fire. Р. 113-125.
  10. Kovalenko, A. Kalynovskyi, S. Nazarenko, M. Zhuravskij. Regularities of blame in great and middle populations of Ukraine. Р. 126-138.
  11. Sidnei. Specified method of assessing the fire resistance of ribbed plates by loss of integrity. Р. 139-153.
  12. Dubinin. Measuring complex for determining the efficiency of fire extinguishing equipment with fine spray water. Р. 154-164.
  13. Tregubov, О. Kireev, K. Kуazimov, L. Trefilova, E. Slepuzhnikov, S. Vavreniuk. Fire extinguishing development directions for liquids based on the foam glass primary layer. Р. 165-184.
  14. Kovalev, D. Yadchenko, A. Melnychenko, V. Sobina, D. Taraduda, O. Panchenko. Мathematical model of the probability of detection of a point target by the operator of an unmanned aircraft. Р. 185-200.
  15. Artemiev, O. Rybalova, O. Brihada, O. Ilinskyi, A. Matsak. The study of the cloging process of stormwater infiltration systems with various filter nozzles. Р. 201-217.
  16. Rudakov, O. Myrgorod, O. Petukhova, O. Pirohov, Е. Shcholokov, R. Kornienko. Еnsuring the safety of passengers during the depressurization of the aircraft cabin in high-altitude flights. Р. 218-234.
  17. Nesukh, A. Subota, A. Shvydenko, Olga Nekora. Dynamic processes during separation of a tank from the bottom as a result of a fire. Р. 235-257.
  18. Tolok, E. Rybka, S. Pozdieiev, M. Kustov, A. Novhorodchenko, Y. Plisko. Behavior patterns of reinforced concrete structures of modular shelters in explosion conditions. Р. 258-268.
  19. Tiutiunyk, O. Lievtierov, O. Tiutiunyk, D. Usachov. Аcoustic monitoring of sources of emergency situations related to the device of firearms. Р. 269-292.