Іncreasing the level of people’s safety during an air alarm


Shakhov Stanislav

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine



Vinogradov Stanislav

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine



Melnychenko Andrii

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine



Saveliev Dmytro

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine



Semkiv Valeria

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine



DOI: https://doi.org/10.52363/2524-0226-2024-39-10


Keywords: evacuation, shelter, civil defense facilities, air alarm, PathFinder, PyroSim




The object of the study is the duration of evacuation in the event of an air alarm to shelter on the example of an object with a mass presence of people located in the front-line region. Despite a significant number of studies devoted to evacuation, the majority of them were considered in the event of fires. In accordance with this, recommendations were given to increase the efficiency of evacuation using various methods. However, the issue of the duration of people's movement to shelter during a missile threat following an air warning signal has not yet been considered. A 3-D model of the building located in the front-line region was developed in accordance with spatial planning decisions. The sources of open information on the number of shelling in the region where the object is located were analyzed. As of the end of 2023, 47 cases were registered. The average time of approach of missiles to the city where the object is located is 30–40 seconds. According to this, the criteria for the safe time required to reach the shelter are established. When people are placed on the 1st-6th floors, the duration of evacuation to the shelter is 92,8 s, at a speed of movement of 1.66 m/s. In this case, only 33 %, namely 40 people manage to reach the shelter in 40 seconds. The remaining 67 %, namely 81 people, need another 52,8 seconds to reach a safe moon in case of a missile threat during an air alert. Places of placement of people in the premises of the object with a mass stay of people were optimized and recommendations were given regarding the speed of movement to the shelter. Proper provision of timely evacuation depends on the speed of movement and the location of people on the floors of the building. For this object, the optimal solution, which ensures the preservation of the lives of 95 % of people from the total number, is an immediate response to an alarm signal, a ban on placing people higher than 1 floor, and movement at a speed of at least 8 km/h.




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