Аssessment of the influence of air humidity on the explosion and fire hazard of premises with combustible dust


Roianov Oleksii

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine



Katunin Albert

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine



Kulakov Oleg

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine



Bogatov Oleg

Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University



DOI: https://doi.org/10.52363/2524-0226-2024-39-18


Keywords: explosion and fire hazard, overpressure of explosion, flammable dust, explosion dust, category of premises according to fire and explosion hazard




Estimated explosion pressure of the dust-air mixture in the industrial premises was evaluated taking into account air humidity to determine the category of the premises according to explosion and fire hazard. The study presents data that demonstrate the presence of water vapor in the air and reflect its sensitivity to ambient temperature. During the research, the calculation of the overpressure of the explosion in the working room and equipment with a dust-air mixture was carried out. At the same time, a hypothesis was put forward regarding the influence of humidity in the room with dust-air mixtures on the obtained value of the calculated overpressure of the explosion. The error with which this value will be determined, in turn, can lead to the adoption of a wrong decision regarding the specified category of the premises in terms of explosion and fire hazard. In order to test the proposed hypothesis, calculations were carried out for two cases – without taking into account and taking into account the humidity in the air of the surrounding environment. The input values for the calculations were chosen in accordance with the requirements for ensuring environmental parameters in industrial premises with dust-air mixtures. The results obtained during the research confirmed the proposed hypothesis regarding the influ-ence of humidity on the value of the calculated overpressure of the explosion. The influence of humidity in the environment on the accuracy of the obtained value of the calculated excess pressure is a recognized fact and requires additional research. The results of the estimates obtained during the study confirm the need to take into account the influence of the humidity of the environment in the production room on the calculated value of the excess pressure of the explosion. Based on the results of these calculations, a conclusion is made regarding the belonging of a room with a dust-air mixture to a certain category in terms of explosion-fire hazard, as well as the need to take precautionary measures to reduce the fire-explosion hazard of environments in industrial premises.




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