Оperational readiness of a typical fragment of the departmental digital telecommunication network


Feshchenko Andreу

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine



Zakora Аlexander

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine



Sobyna Vitaliy

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine



DOI: https://doi.org/10.52363/2524-0226-2024-39-17


Keywords: digital telecommunication network, reliability, operational availability ratio, probability of failure-free operation




A probabilistic model of a typical fragment of a departmental digital telecommunications network, which takes into account the influence of the redundancy structure and operational parameters of failure and maintainability of its nodes and data transmission channels on its operational readiness ratio, was studied. A probabilistic model of the coefficient of operational readiness of a typical fragment of a digital telecommunication network after failures in an emergency situation was obtained and analyzed, and the relationship between the coefficient of operational readiness and operational parameters was established. It is indicated that the required coefficient of operational availability of a typical fragment of a digital telecommunications network is achieved not only by increasing the reliability of nodes, but also by choosing a structure of redundancy and a mode of maintenance of data transmission channels, which are not yet defined, that is why research is carried out on the dependence of the coefficient of operational readiness of a typical fragment of a departmental telecommunications network on normalized operational parameters for structures without redundancy and with redundancy of data transmission channels by the method of statistical mathematical modeling. It has been established that in order to achieve the required operational readiness ratio while reducing the requirements for the reliability of nodes of a typical fragment of a departmental digital telecommunications network, it is sufficient to apply structurally separate at least two-fold redundancy of data transmission channels, in the presence of triple redundancy of data transmission channels, the efficiency also does not increase significantly. Research data are useful for predicting the operational readiness ratio during operation and planning the required maintenance regime for nodes and data transmission channels of a typical fragment of the de-partmental telecommunications network, depending on the ratio of the period of preventive work to the recovery time for failure during operation.




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