Тhe heat transfer coefficient of the torch installation under the conditions of free convection


Zimin Sergej

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine



Afanasenko Kostiantyn

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine



DOI: https://doi.org/10.52363/2524-0226-2024-39-11


Keywords: torch systems, torch pipes, temperature, thermal radiation, heat transfer coefficient




A model is proposed for the study of temperature regimes of flare devices of biogas complexes based on the equation of non-stationary thermal conductivity. Despite the generally extremely complex phenomenon of heat exchange, heat transfer, and heat transfer, during the operation of the flare device such conditions exist that allow relying on relatively simple model descriptions, which can allow an assessment of the degree of danger of thermal radiation during its operation. The calculation scheme of the shielding pipe of the flare device with the calculation parameters was built and considered. Boundary conditions of the first kind on the inner and of the third kind on the outer surface of the casing wall of the flare device pipe are adopted. To build the model, the following assumptions were made: the temperature on the inner wall of the casing is the same and equal to the temperature of the biogas combustion products; the calculation scheme does not take into account thermal conductivity through the production armature of the flare device; in the process of heating, the geometric parameters of the casing wall do not change. It was determined that the heat transfer coefficient when using a flare device for burning biogas can be determined from the expression for determining the criterion of similarity of thermal processes. When calculating the criterion of similarity of thermal processes according to the obtained model, it was found that depending on the temperature of the external environment, its values can vary by 10–24 %. At the same time, the geometric parameters of the flare device have a more significant influence on the specified criteria – up to 65 %. The obtained analytical dependences of the heat transfer coefficient α on the characteristic geometric size, as well as on the air temperature and the temperature of the casing surface, which allows determining the negative thermal impact on the surrounding environment. It is shown that its value can vary up to 1000 % depending on the linear size and temperature of the casing surface.



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