Monitoring of hydro-economic systems using hydrobiological methods


Vitalii Zhuk

State Agency of Water Resources of Ukraine




Keywords: water monitoring, water bodies, water management systems, ecological condition, biological research methods, water quality indicators, boundary permissible concentration



The current state of the water monitoring system is analyzed, the main tasks of monitoring are determined. Methods of obtaining information about the state of water resources are studied. The subjects of monitoring on water bodies and hydro-economic systems have been identified. It has been established that the monitoring system is significantly branched and separate from each subject of monitoring, and water monitoring programs differ from each other and are often duplicated. Given the current changes in Ukraine's integration into the European Union, an analysis of the adaptation of the requirements of the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC to national water monitoring programs has been performed. For surface waters, monitoring programs should cover the following characteristics: biological parameters, chemical and physicochemical parameters, hydrological regime and morphological conditions, as well as specific synthetic and non-synthetic pollutants. It also determines which indicators or groups of water quality indicators should be measured for each type of water bodies, this characteristic of the criteria for determining the ecological status of waters by physicochemical, hydrobiological and hydromorphological indicators of water quality. The characteristics of diagnostic, operational and research monitoring programs are given. The main difference of the perspective monitoring system is the transition from chemical to biological control based on biological indication. Expeditionary studies of the ecological status of surface water bodies in the Siversky Donets River basin showed a good correlation between the results of biological and physicochemical assessment of surface water quality, which indicates the practical applicability of biological methods in determining the ecological status of water bodies. The development of new water monitoring programs taking into account modern requirements is not only a prerequisite for full monitoring of surface water bodies and hydro-economic systems, but also has a significant role in justifying water protection measures and preventing technogenic and natural emergency situations.



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Developing organizational and technical method of resource suplying formation for emergency situations


Maryna Novozhylova

M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv


Yuliia Mykhailovska

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine




Keywords: emergency situation due to ammunition explosions, optimization of resource provision, liquidation of emergency situations, forecasting, mobile assistance center



The organizational and technical method of formation of resource provision of response to emergencies of technogenic character of regional level, in particular, arising as a result of explosions of ammunition on arsenals and warehouses is developed. The new scientific result consists of a number of mathematical models developed within the framework of the ideology of the scenario approach to forecasting the amount of resource response to emergencies due to munitions explosions, taking into account the uncertainty of their parameters at the stage of strategic planning. Proposed and introduced the concept of a mobile assistance center, which expands the concept of mobile control points, which allows the development of organizational framework for emergency response to ammunition explosions. Components of the organizational and technical method under consideration are the method of determining the parameters of the affected area of a possible emergency situation at the regional level due to ammunition explosions, which allows to take into account the spatial distribution of its consequences, the need for life emergency zone infrastructure. It is shown that when building a strategic emergency response plan at the regional level due to munitions explosions, based on the study of available statistics, by making operational management decisions may be reasonable formation of characteristics of the distribution of parameters of a possible emergency, which is input to formalized scenario approach. The paper builds an information environment and presents the results of numerous experiments to determine the set of scenarios on the example of an emergency situation due to explosions of ammunition in the military arsenal of ammunition in Balaklia, Kharkiv region, March 23, 2017.



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Risk of disruption of normal conditions of human life in man-general emergency situations


Boris Pospelov

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine


Evgenіy Rybka

Academy of the Ministry of Emergencies of the Republic of Azerbaijan


Ruslan Meleshchenko

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine


Mikhail Samoilov

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine


Pavlo Borodych

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine


Anastasia Mironenko

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine




Keywords: human safety, evacuation, inhomogeneous flows, modeling, optimization, active movement with possible force actions, natural deformations of the human body



The following categories of movement are considered: comfortable, calm, active, with high activity. When the category of human movement becomes active with possible forceful actions, the task of modeling their active movement taking into account the natural deformations of human bodies arises. The anthropological characteristics of the person from the point of view of physical restrictions on mutual position of parts of a body at their active movement with force actions are analyzed. Taking into account the properties of physical limitations of the human body, a three-component mathematical model of horizontal projection of a person is proposed, which takes into account the conditions of gluing model components into a single complex object and restrictions  on the angles  of rotation of components. The model of the human body is represented by union of three ellipses: the main and two auxiliary. The main one can rotate continuously within the framework of maneuverability, and the auxiliary ones - within the angles arising from the anthropological properties of man. A meaningful formulation of the problem of modeling the active movement of people taking into account the natural deformations of bodies is proposed and the modeling algorithm is modified. Modification is to take into account the natural deformations of the human body by modeling the change in the spatial shape of the three-component model of the human body. Analytical expressions of the conditions of their non-intersection and placement in areas are obtained for the considered complex objects, which will allow to present the problem as a classical nonlinear programming problem and to use the existing optimization packages. The ability of the proposed algorithm to model the movement of people and the constraints of the problem, for which are obtained analytical expressions  in the work, is shown by computer modeling. It should be noted that the restrictions considered in the paper on both the number of components of the object of movement and its shape are not fundamental. Models and algorithms allow you to make changes in both the number of components of the object and their spatial forms, which will only increase the complexity of the algorithms for solving the problem.



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Estimation of the fire-protective capacity of reactive coatings of steel structures


Andrіі Kovalov

Cherkassy Institute of Fire Safety of National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine


Evgenіy Rybka

Academy of the Ministry of Emergencies of the Republic of Azerbaijan


Vitalii Tomenko

Cherkassy Institute of Fire Safety of National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine


Alexander Danilin

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine


Yuliia Bezuhla

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine


Kostiantyn Karpets

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine




Keywords: fire resistance, flame retardant coating, steel structures, fire retardance, fire protection ability, finite model, ANSYS software package



Experimental studies have been carried out to determine the temperature on the unheated surface of steel plates with the minimum and maximum values of the thickness of the investigated fire retardant coating under the conditions of their tests at a standard temperature regime of fire. The results of experimental determination of temperature from an unheated surface of steel plates with a fire retardant coating under fire conditions at a standard temperature regime of fire (temperature in the furnace, temperature in certain places on the surface of steel plates, behavior of the investigated fire retardant coating) are analyzed. The influence of the coefficient of heat transfer by convection and thermal radiation on an unheated surface of a steel plate with a fire retardant coating on the accuracy of modeling thermal processes occurring under fire exposure at a standard temperature regime of a fire is investigated. A computational finite element model of the “steel plate-fire protection coating” system has been built to simulate the non-stationary heating of such a system in the ANSYS software package. Simulation of non-stationary heating of the system "steel plate fire retardant coating" with the same thickness (5 mm) and different thicknesses of the fire retardant coating (0.248 mm and 1.288 mm) at a standard temperature regime of fire in the ANSYS software package has been carried out. Comparison of the calculated data obtained (temperature from the unheated surface of a steel plate with a fire retardant coating) with the results of an experimental study of the heating of such plates during theirtests in a fired furnace at a standard temperature regime of fire is carried out. An experimental verification of the calculated finite-element model for assessing the fire-retardant ability of coatings of steel structures using the software package ANSYS. The results of numerical simulation of non-stationary heating of the system "steel plate-fire-retardant coating" with a maximum thickness of fire-retardant coating of 1.888 mm in the ANSYS software package were verified by real experiments and found that the results of experimental stud-ies and numerical analysis in ANSYS program are positively correlated. which is not more than 8%. A con-clusion is made about the adequacy of the constructed finite element model in the ANSYS software package for the "steel plate-fire protection coating" system when simulating non-stationary heating of such a system.



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The oscillation of n-alkanes characteristic temperatures under the action the cluster structure of substance


Dmitry Tregubov

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine


Elena Tarahno

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine


Dmitry Sokolov

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine


Flora Tregubova

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine




Keywords: clustering, interaction angle, matter structure, characteristic temperatures, oscillation, alkanes, electronic effects



The term "cluster" was chosen to denote supramolecular formations. Attention is paid to the oscillatory nature of the dependence of the change in the substance properties in homologous series of organic compounds on the example of n-alkanes. It is shown that the increase in melting temperatures in the homologous series of n-alkanes has several levels of values periodicity, which are related to the «even-odd» of the molecules by the number of carbon atoms. The search for such deviations for the parameters "speed" and "acceleration" of temperature rise was also carried out. It is shown that there are no corresponding oscillation effects for boiling temperatures, which indicates a different principle of the structure of matter in the liquid states. The linear nature of the relationship between the melting and boiling points of n-alkanes, which also has oscillations, has been elucidated. A low level of correlation between these temperatures and the auto-ignition temperature of the substance was established. Empirical formulas have been developed to characterize the increase in the melting temperatures of n-alkanes with increasing molar mass or the number of carbon atoms in the molecule. These take into ac-count the effect of the formation of different clusters for "even" and "odd" molecules with a correlation coefficient of 0.9997. The difference in the characteristic temperatures of n-alkanes is explained by the presence or absence of an induction effect and different manifestations of the «quasi-mesomeric» effect for «even» and «odd» molecules. It is noted that for molecules of n-alkanes with a longer carbon chain length is characterized by coagulation into globules, which is accompanied by a decrease in the effect of «even-odd» of molecules. Emphasis is placed on the need to find clearer principles of mathematical consideration of "even-odd" molecules to predict the boiling point of n-alkanes.



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