


The geoinformation control system of fire departments


Maksym Kustov

National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine



Yevhen Morshch

Department of Emergency Prevention, DSNS



Oleg Fedoryaka

National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine



Alexandr Soshunsky

National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine



Alexander Savchenko

National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine



DOI: https://doi.org/10.52363/2524-0226-2021-34-9


Keywords: geoinformation system, technological scheme, GIS platform, interactive layers, local territory, service area, location of divisions



The architecture of the fire information management geographic information system has been developed using standard extensions for SQL servers and includes at least 7 layers, some of which have interactive connections with additional databases. The developed architecture allows to solve a complex of questions of management of fire divisions, both at a stage of designing of building of local territory and during management of process of fire extinguishing in this territory. Integrating data with the distribution of fire risk in the local area and the location of fire and rescue units in an interactive form will optimize the location of fire and rescue units at the construction stage, as well as determine the relevance of existing buildings to fire risk levels. Integration into the geographic information system of the database with the description of potentially dangerous objects and objects of increased danger allows the fire chief to promptly obtain information about the object, to determine in advance the existing dangers, methods of extinguishing, location of forces and means and to establish operational communication with representatives of the object for successful firefighting. Interactive information on the availability of rescue equipment in the relevant units and the state of the transport network on the way to the fire allows the fire chief and the operational dispatch service to quickly determine what type and number of equipment and personnel can be used to eliminate a fire, determine the arrival time to the place of the call, as well as quickly redirect reserves if necessary. The combined use of the developed architecture of the geographic information system with a satellite traffic control system allows to control the movement of rescue units and redistribute forces and resources within the local area.



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