Аnalysis of characteristic defects of fire tanker tires and methods of their determination


Kohanenko Vlаdіmіr

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine



Kryvoshei Borys

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine



DOI: https://doi.org/10.52363/2524-0226-2024-39-14


Keywords: fire truck, radial tire, thermal radiation, defects, reliability, stratification, safety




In this article, the characteristic defects of tires that arise due to the specific modes of operation of emergency and rescue vehicles and fire trucks are defined, and a methodology for their determination in the conditions of the State fire and rescue units is developed. Today, the condition of tires is determined in research laboratories and with the help of special equipment. Tires operated by units of the State Fire and Rescue Service are not monitored. It has been established that most fire truck tires are in service longer than specified by the manufacturer, because they still have an unworn tread. Therefore, the internal condition of such tires is unreliable, with existing defects, with fatigue of the rubber material of the tire, which cannot be detected without special equipment. Circumstances related to the conduct of military operations lead to the movement of fire tankers on a damaged (as a result of enemy shelling) road surface, at increased speed and with weight overloads, which affects the temperature of tires. High temperature accelerates the growth of defects to critical dimensions and leads to the destruction of tires. Therefore, it is not enough to monitor their external condition, as tires accumulate internal tiring destruction and manufacturing defects. As a result of the conducted research, it was established that the thermal radiation of the tire indicates the presence of internal destruction, which means that it makes it possible to determine its integrity. The paper solves the scientific and practical task of creating a methodology for determining hidden defects in a tire. The developed method of identifying hidden defects in the tires of fire trucks will allow determining their operational suitability. The research results obtained by me will increase the safety of following fire tankers to the place of call and during the performance of actions as assigned. These data are very important, as they reduce the probability of an unexpected sudden exit of fire truck tires from operation.




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