Оptimization of the method of assessing the efficiencyof reactive fire protection coatings


Hryhorenko Oleksandr

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine



Saienko Natalia

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine



Zolkina Yevheniia

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine



Lypovyi Volodymyr

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine



DOI: https://doi.org/10.52363/2524-0226-2024-39-9


Keywords: effectiveness of fire protection, method, reactive coating, testing, metal fire protection, building constructions




 A critical analysis of methods for assessing the fire-resistant effectiveness of reactive fire-resistant coatings was carried out. It was established that during research aimed at the development of new formulations of flame retardant compounds, it is expedient to use simplified test methods, which would make it possible to significantly simplify the experiment and reduce the time for processing its results. A method of comparative assessment of fire protection efficiency using an electric oven with an isolated test chamber for heat accumulation as a source of thermal radiation, which allows obtaining a temperature on the reverse side of a metal plate above 950 °C, is proposed. As a criterion of fire protection efficiency, it is proposed to use a comparison of the time of reaching the critical temperature (500 °С) on the outside of metal plates protected by fire protection coatings. The effectiveness of fire protection of a metal plate according to the proposed method was investigated for three samples of reactive type fire retardants: a coating based on epoxy oligomer, ammonium polyphosphate, aluminum hydroxide and intercalated graphite, a coating based on styrene-acrylic industrial production and a known coating based on epoxy oligomer filled with ammonium monophosphate and intercalated graphite. It was established that the effectiveness of metal fire protection with a coating based on epoxy oligomer, ammonium polyphosphate, aluminum hydroxide, and intercalated graphite, estimated by comparing the heating time of the metal plate, is 1.3 times higher than the known analog based on epoxy and 1.6 times higher than reactive fire-resistant coating on a styrene-acrylic basis of industrial production, tested under the same conditions. The application of the proposed optimized method allows to provide a comparative assessment of the efficiency of coatings, using as a criterion the time to reach the critical temperature (500 °C) on the reverse side of the metal plate.




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