Range of mobile radio communications of ip site connect system in city conditions
Alexander Zakora
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Andrey Feshchenko
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
Larisa Borisova
National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4400173
Keywords: maximum range of radio communication, propagation of radio waves, IP Site Connect, semi-transparent radio obstacle, signal fading
A mathematical model of the propagation of radio signals in the range of the IP Site Connect system mobile radio stations has been developed, taking into account the factors of their active absorption on the path of propagation in the city, namely, the problem of accounting for the influence of translucent radio obstacles of building structures. An analytical as well as a graphical methodology has been proposed, which makes it possible to carry out the necessary calculations of the range for various properties of radio obstacles and their different number in the path of radio wave propagation (RWR). Reasonable requirements for the quality indicators of radio reception in the presence of obstacles. As a criterion for determining the threshold range, the value of the residual signal attenuation, calculated taking into account the power losses in building structures, is proposed. The problem is solved in a partially idealized formulation with some restrictions adopted in the work: the case of coaxial coplanar arrangement of the receiving and transmitting antennas is considered, the loss of signal power in the atmosphere at short distances is not taken into account. As a parameter limiting the range of radio communication, the signal power at the input of the repeater receiver is considered, taking into account the power losses along the RRV path. Possible options for constructing a computational algorithm are considered, with preference given to a graphical method for determining the threshold range. The given results of calculating the range for various conditions of radio reception in conditions of dense urban development. On the basis of the calculations carried out, recommendations were developed to prevent or solve the problem of loss of radio communication by the rapid response service. Analytical and graphic materials are given for various options for the practical implementation of the calculation method. The calculations and reference materials shown take into account the settings of the IP Site Connect class radios that can be used in urban environments. Taking into account the absorption of radio waves in semitransparent radio obstacles when predicting the range of radio communication in the emergency area allows to optimize the work of liquidators to evacuate the population and material values and to ensure safe working conditions for rescuers.
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