

A model of cooling the tank shell by water in the case of a fire in an adjacent tank


Maksym Maksymenko

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine



DOI: https://doi.org/10.52363/2524-0226-2023-37-11


Keywords: tank fire, thermal influence of fire, heat transfer, water cooling




Cooling the tank shell by water in the case of a fire in an adjacent tank is considered. A model of the cooling effect of the water film flowing down on the tank shell was constructed. The model is based on the heat balance equation for the tank shell and the heat balance equation for the water film. The model takes into account the radiant heat exchange of the shell and fire, environment and internal space of the tank; convection heat exchange of the shell with water and steam-air mixture in the gas space of the tank. In addition, the heat balance equation for the water film includes radiant heat transfer to the environment and convective heat transfer to the ambient air. The main assumption of the model is constant water flow rate and a constant thickness of the water film on the wall. The finite difference method was used to solve the heat balance equations of the shell and the water film. The values of convection heat transfer coefficients were found by using methods of similarity theory. The coefficient of convection heat transfer between the wall and water film has a linear dependence on the water temperature and a power dependence on the intensity of water supply. It was determined that coefficient of convection heat transfer between the tank wall and the water film is 3 orders of magnitude higher than the coefficient of convection heat transfer between the shell and ambient air. It is shown that the temperature distribution in the tank shell and the water film converges to the stationary distribution. The combination of heat balance equations for the shell and water film allows building an algorithm for detrmining the temperatures on the tank shell and water film. The algorithm is based on the sequential calculation of the steady-state value of the shell temperature and the growth the temperature of the water film at points located along the vertical line on the tank shell. The algorithm starts working from the point on the upper edge of the tank shell and ends at the point at the level of the oil product. The obtained results can be used for determining the intensity of water supply for cooling the tank shell in the case of fire in an adjacent tank.




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