

Express assessment of the level of concentration of dangerous chemical substances in the air


Serhij V. Hovalenkov

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine



Serhij S. Hovalenkov

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine



DOI: https://doi.org/10.52363/2524-0226-2023-37-10


Keywords: express assessment of the level of concentration of a dangerous chemical substance, hardware and software complex




The object of the study is emergency situations at chemically hazardous facilities associated with the release of hazardous chemicals into the air. The problem of providing the head of the liquidation of an emergency situation with express assessments of the level of concentration of a dangerous chemical substance, prompt and maximally accurate determination of the affected areas and their sizes for the safe presence of personnel in them is solved. The work proposes the use of a hardware and software complex for forecasting the level of concentration of a hazardous substance in the air, determining the zones of safe location of forces and means, making a decision on the use of the necessary means of personal protection. The obtained results allow the head of the liquidation of an emergency situation to estimate the necessary amount of forces and means already in the process of following to the place of the call. A feature of the obtained results is the application of stochastic mathematical models in the construction of a hardware and software complex and its use for express assessment of the level of concentration of a hazardous substance in the air. This made it possible to obtain specific recommendations regarding the procedure for determining a rational tactical scheme for the use of forces and means of emergency and rescue units and their safety, and during martial law – the organization of interaction with other structural units of the state. This approach to the decision is more informative and shortens the time of making the optimal decision compared to existing approaches, models and methods of which require a significant number of input parameters and significant time for their measurement. The scope and conditions of practical use of the obtained results is the application of express estimates of the concentration level of dangerous chemicals to predict the boundaries of safe zones for the personnel of the involved units in emergency situations associated with the release of these substances on the basis of the developed hardware and software complex.




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