

Determination of conformity of international and national methods of classification of gasvaporair explosive zones


Oleg Kulakov

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine



Yuliia Mykhailovska

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine



Albert Katunin

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine



Oleksii Roianov

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine



DOI: https://doi.org/10.52363/2524-0226-2023-37-8


Keywords: explosive zone, explosive environment, pump station, nomogram, room, light oil products




Discrepancies between the international and national methods of classification of gas-vapor-air explosive zones (the method of the final edition of DSTU EN IEC 60079-10-1 and the method of NPAOP 40.1-1.32) were revealed using the example of the premises of pumping stations for pumping light petroleum products. When applying the international method, either an explosive zone of class 1 or an explosive zone of class 2 can be formed, or an explosive zone is not formed. The class of the zone depends on the mass rate of gasoline leakage and the ventilation rate (with a high mass rate of gasoline leakage and a low ventilation rate, a class 1 zone is formed; with an increase in the ventilation rate and the constant rate of gasoline leakage, either a class 2 zone is created or the conditions for its creation are absent). The explosive zone of class 2 acquires significant dimensions only in case of significant emergency leaks (in particular, it occurs at a distance of 5 m with a total mass leakage rate of 132,81 g per 1 kg of gasoline pumped). The explosive zone occupies the entire room only if its size exceeds the geometric dimensions of the room, taking into account the place of release of the hazardous substance. The time of existence of the explosive zone depends on the stationary background concentration of gasoline according to the logarithmic law. The frequency of air exchange in the room significantly affects the time of existence of the explosive zone. When applying the national method in the room, either an explosive zone of class 2 or no explosive zone can be formed. The criteria for the formation of an explosive zone by different methods differ significantly. The elimination of identified discrepancies is possible either by a complete transition to European technological regulations with the cancellation of the national method of calculation or by incorporating the international method of calculation into the existing national rules after their comprehensive technical examination.




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