

Experimental study of fire development in a building


Dmytro Dubinin

NationalUniversity of Civil Defence of Ukraine



Andrei Lisniak

NationalUniversity of Civil Defence of Ukraine



Serhii Shevchenko

NationalUniversity of Civil Defence of Ukraine



Yevhen Krivoruchko

NationalUniversity of Civil Defence of Ukraine



Yuri Gaponenko

NationalUniversity of Civil Defence of Ukraine



DOI: https://doi.org/10.52363/2524-0226-2021-34-8


Keywords: house layout, fire development, temperature, rollover, flashover, backdraft




Experimental studies on the occurrence of fire in a residential building depending on the conditions of its development. A model of the house was used for research, which allowed to clearly demonstrate the development of fire with a demonstration of its phenomena. It is determined that the development of a fire with limited access to oxygen occurs with the occurrence of fire phenomena such as rollover, flashover and backdraft, and with sufficient access to oxygen occurs normally. It is established that during the development of a fire first there is a phenomenon of rollover, due to the ignition of a layer of heated gases, then there is a flashover, characterized by a flash, and for backdraft, this phenomenon occurs due to a flash of unburned heated gases with a subsequent explosion. The temperature was measured using a FLIR K33 thermal imager during a fire. The obtained results show that the development of a fire with sufficient access of oxygen occurs before the maximum temperature in the room with its subsequent reduction due to fire extinguishing or supply of fire extinguishing agents to the fire. When a fire with limited access to oxygen develops, such phenomena as rollover, flashover and backdraft occur. The obtained measurement results during the research of fire development depending on its conditions are presented as photoregistration of images from the thermal imager and graphically. It is established that when the phenomenon of a flashover occurs, the flash point is 234 °C, and when the backdraft phenomenon, the flash point of unburned heated gases with a subsequent explosion is 569 °C. It has been experimentally determined that timely cooling of heated gases prevents fire. The obtained results of the conducted experimental researches allow to increase the level of professional skill of the personnel of fire and rescue divisions during carrying out operative actions on fire extinguishing in residential buildings.



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