

Study of the influence of building material on the structure of buildings on the development of internal fire


Dmytro Dubinin

National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine



Andrii Lisniak

National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine



Serhii Shevchenko

National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine



Yevhen Kryvoruchko

National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine



Yuri Gaponenko

National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine



DOI: https://doi.org/10.52363/2524-0226-2022-35-13


Keywords: internal fire, temperature, time of thermal penetration, coefficient of thermal conductivity, rate of energy release



Researches of influence of building material of a design of a building on development of an internal fire are carried out. Brick was used as a building material in the first variant, concrete in the second variant, aerated concrete in the third variant, and expanded clay concrete in the fourth variant. Taking into account the proposed method and conditions of internal fire development, graphical dependences of thermal conductivity coefficient and fire development time are constructed, according to which it is established that when using concrete as a building material – maximum thermal conductivity coefficient – 0,0823 W/(m2·K) for 5 min internal fire, and 0.0412 W/(m2·K) for 20 min, and from aerated concrete minimum – 0,0153 W/(m2·K) for 5 min and 0.0076 W/(m2·K) for 20 min. At the same time, the time of thermal penetration through the wall according to the first option is 81,15 minutes, according to the second option – 70,0 minutes, the third option – 148,8 minutes, the fourth option – 80,0 minutes. There are also graphical dependences on the increase in wall temperature on the rate of energy release in four variants during the development of internal fire for 5 minutes and 20 minutes. It is established that the minimum value of the temperature of the concrete wall, depending on the rate of energy release for 5 minutes of fire development is about 208 ºC, and for 20 minutes – 260 ºC. The maximum value of the temperature of the wall of aerated concrete and expanded clay concrete for 5 minutes of fire development is about 350 ºC, and for 20 minutes – 440 ºC. The results of the research allow to increase the level of operational readiness of the personnel of fire and rescue units during the operational actions to extinguish internal fires, as well as in determining the fire hazard of building materials.



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