

Fire resistance of fireproof reinforced concrete structures to increase the fire safety level of facilities


Yuriy Otrosh

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine


Andriy Kovalov

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine


Roman Purdenko

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine


Nina Rashkevich

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine


Roman Maiboroda

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine




Keywords: fire resistance, fire-resistant reinforced concrete structures, fire resistance assessment, numerical modeling, fire protection, fire-resistant coating, LIRA-SAPR



A structural and logical scheme was developed, which describes the provision of fire resistance of fire-resistant reinforced concrete structures based on the proposed mathematical model and the calculation-experimental method of evaluating the fire resistance of fire-resistant reinforced concrete structures. A mathematical model for evaluating the fire resistance of fire-resistant reinforced concrete structures was developed, which consists of the following stages: selection of the formalization apparatus, construction of the external description, verification of the model's operability, construction of the internal state, verification of operability, and identification of parameters. Initial and boundary conditions were formulated during the construction of the specified models, which allow predicting the fire resistance of the fire-resistant reinforced concrete structure with sufficient accuracy for engineering calculations. A computer model of the stress-strain state of a fire-resistant multi-hollow reinforced concrete floor was developed in the "LIRA-SAPR" software in order to increase the level of fire safety of buildings and structures. A static calculation of the fire-resistant reinforced concrete multi-hollow floor slab was carried out, as a result of which the stress-deformed state of the floor was obtained under the combined action of force and temperature loads. The results of numerical modeling were compared with the results of an experimental study of fire resistance. The accuracy of the developed computer model for evaluating the fire resistance of fire-resistant reinforced concrete structures was checked. Non-linear laws of deformation of the model materials were established, namely: exponential and piecewise linear, which take into account the modulus of elasticity of concrete, the coefficient of linear thermal deformation of concrete, the ultimate relative deformation of concrete, which allow with sufficient accuracy for engineering calculations (up to 5 %) to estimate the fire resistance of fire-resistant reinforced concrete structures.



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