

Delivery trajectory modeling fire extinguishing container to the upper floors of buildings


Kalinovsky Andrii

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine


Kutsenko Leonid

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine


Polivanov Oleksandr

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine


Kryvoshei Boris

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine


Savchenko Olexander

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine




Keywords: container, fire extinguishing agent, pulse fire extinguisher, point of intersection of trajectories, minimum starting speed




A method is presented for geometrically modeling the trajectory of delivery of a container with a fire extinguishing agent to the windows of the upper floors of houses where a fire occurred. The Typhoon-10 pulse fire extinguisher, which is used as a pneumatic gun, is used as a starting agent. This allows fire extinguishing agents to be delivered to the fire zone discretely, placed in a special container. To determine a rational trajectory for container delivery to the upper floors of the building, differential equations known from mechanics and their solutions were used. The resulting relationships connect the parameters characteristic of the points of the desired trajectory. An addition to these results will be the dependencies found in this work to describe the overhead and floor trajectories that intersect at the point of the burning window of the building. The values of the minimum starting speed for delivering a container to a predetermined window of a building on the required floor have also been determined. It is assumed that for calculations the height of the burning window (from the foundation of the building) is known, and the distance from the pulse fire extinguisher to the wall of the building is also known. Maple was compiled – a program for checking the obtained dependencies by constructing delivery trajecto-ries using computer graphics. The results can be obtained in the form of a table, where the initial speeds and departure angles of the container depend on the floor number of the building. The conducted research is aimed at developing tactics for extinguishing fires in multi-storey buildings using the throwing method (or throwing, using Fire extinguisher Ball). This technology is characterized by the efficiency of fire extinguishing by fire and rescue units, regardless of the condition of the access roads to the building, as well as the existence of various obstacles directly in the yard in front of the house. All this will prevent the spread of fire due to its prompt localization and elimination.




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