

Мodel of diffraction of electromagnetic waves on explosive objects


Kustov Maksim

National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine


Kulakov Oleg

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine


Basmanov Oleksii

National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine


Karpov Artem

National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine


Mykhailovska Yuliia

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine




Keywords: level of civil protection of territories, explosive substances, electromagnetic waves, reflection, absorption, diffraction




A model of electromagnetic wave diffraction on an explosive object without metal structural substances is proposed. The properties of the materials of the most common anti-personnel mines were analyzed and it was established that their shell is dielectric, and explosive substances are divided into two groups depending on their dipole moment. In particular, the explosive substances such as hexogen, pentaerythritol tetranitrate, and mercury fulminate with zero dipole moment and according to their electromagnetic properties, they belong to ideal dielectrics. The explosives trinitrotoluene, tetryl, lead trinitroresorcinate, and lead azide should be considered as low-loss dielectrics. An electrodynamic model was built to calculate the reflection coefficients and the passage of electromagnetic plane waves of the microwave range through the multilayer structure of an explosive object. To determine the equivalent wave resistance of the multilayer structure of an explosive object, the use of the theory of long lines is proposed. It is established that for microwave radiation, the layers of the case of explosive objects made of dielectric substances can be neglected due to their small thickness. The modeling results show that most anti-personnel mines have a low reflection coefficient, which makes them difficult to detect, but at the same time increases the amount of energy that can pass deep into the body of the explosive substance. It has been shown that explosive objects with dipole explosive substances are capable of absorbing electromagnetic radiation energy. The obtained results allow us to qualitatively assess the susceptibility of explosive substances to their remote detonation by irradiation with powerful pulses of electromagnetic radiation in the microwave range.



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