Improvement of risk-based management of occupational safety and hygiene


Bohdan Tsymbal

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine


Olena Sharovatova

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine


Artem Petryshchev

National University "Zaporizhzhya Polytechnic"


Alexandr Malko

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine


Sergey Artemev

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine


Oleg Bogatov

Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University



Keywords: risk-oriented management, occupational safety and hygiene, occupational risk assessment methodology, occupational risk management, methodology testing




The importance of improving a risk-oriented approach is considered, as such an approach allows to ensure a high level of safety and hygiene at the workplace, reduce the risk of negative consequences for employees and prevent material losses for the enterprise. The features of the main stages of risk-oriented management of occupational safety and health, such as identification, assessment and management of occupational risks, are analyzed. It was established that the most problematic stage is the assessment of professional risks. The analysis of methods for determining the level of risk and assessing the effectiveness of risk management measures showed that these methods are general and are not adapted to the specifics of various sectors of the economy. Simplified methods take into account only two components: the probability of exposure of the hazard to the worker and the damage or consequences. Three-component methods also take into account the frequency (tendency) characteristic of danger. At the same time, three-component methods do not have a matrix for assessing occupational risk. The vast majority of such methods do not provide an assessment of the residual risk, which shows the effectiveness of measures to reduce the level of occupational risk and the need for the implementation of corrective measures. At the same time, the hierarchy of control measures and the time limit for the implementation of preventive and protective measures are not taken into account. To eliminate these shortcomings, a three-component 3-D method of occupational risk assessment has been developed, which contains a volume matrix and allows to assess the residual risk. The obtained results of the implementation of the proposed methodology can be used in practice to improve safety and occupational hygiene at machine-building enterprises. The results of the study make it possible to reduce the number of accidents at the workplace and ensure an increase in the efficiency of occupational safety and health management.



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