Мathematical model of the magnetic-contact thermal fire detector


Viacheslav Durieiev

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine



Valerii Khrystych

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine



Serhij Bondarenko

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine



Murat Maliarov

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine



Ruslan Kornienko

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine



DOI: https://doi.org/10.52363/2524-0226-2023-37-3


Keywords: fire detector, mathematical model, magnetic contacts, inertia, activation time, activation temperature




A mathematical model of a fireman’s thermal magnetic contact detector was developed, taking into account the type and structure of the material of the sensitive element. Dependencies for the calculation of the dynamic parameters of the fire detector were determined and parametric studies of the tripping parameters were carried out. The analysis of the literature on the modeling of fire detectors proved the need to create a mathematical model of a thermal magnetic contact detector in order to obtain its dynamic parameters and improve technical data. The model represents a system of differential equations describing the dependence of the magnetization of contacts of various structures in the sensitive element of the magnetic contact heat detector of the firefighter on the temperature during non-stationary convective heating. The solution of mathematical models is the equation of detector dynamics in relative variables, taking into account the contact structure of the sensitive element: single-domain ferromagnet, superparamagnetic particles in weak and strong magnetic fields, superparamagnetic particles with comprehensive consideration of magnetization from the external magnetic field and temperature. The obtained dynamics equations represent a standard inertial dynamic link and are convenient for researching the operation and determining the dynamic parameters of magnetic contact heat detectors for firefighters. The obtained equations allow conducting research and determining the dynamic parameters of the detectors, taking into account the structure of the material of the magnetic contact sensitive element and the rate of temperature change. Comparison of the obtained results with experimental data shows differences of no more than 5 %. The developed mathematical model and the obtained dynamic equations make it possible to make recommendations regarding the selection of technical data of magnetic contact detectors and ways to improve their dynamic parameters.




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