


Organizational and technical methods of emergency evacuation of the population from the zone of emergency situation


Vladimir Komyak

National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine


Valentina Komyak

National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine


Kyazim Kyazimov

Academy of the Ministry of Emergencies of the Republic of Azerbaijan




Keywords: emergency evacuation, organizational and technical methods, heterogeneous flows of people, high-rise buildings, optimization



Organizational and technical methods of evacuating the population from the emergency zone along routes with different characteristics, such as stairs, corridors, elevators, means of emergency evacuation from high-rise buildings and along horizontal routes, taking into account the category of comfort of people's movement, have been developed. Effective evacuation from high-rise buildings is hindered by a number of reasons, the main of which is that stairs, as the main means of evacuation, do not provide sufficient throughput for the safe evacuation of people from such buildings. The problem of emergency evacuation from high-rise buildings has been set, which includes the movement of people along corridors, stairs, with the help of elevators, and additionally – with the help of emergency evacuation means. The properties of the problem were investigated. It is substantiated that the task of optimizing the selection of paths and means for evacuation from high-rise buildings has two stages of solution: discrete – optimization on a discrete set, which can be represented, for example, by a solution tree, and continuous – modeling the movement of heterogeneous flows of people through the network, the components of which are corridors, stairs, paths of movement of elevators and means of emergency evacuation. As a discrete optimization method, variant modeling on a network describing a solution tree is proposed. For the continuous stage, in particular for horizontal paths, organizational and technical methods of emergency evacuation of heterogeneous flows of people are proposed, taking into account the category of comfort of their movement. The effectiveness of the developed organizational and technical methods of evacuating the population from the emergency zone is shown on test examples. The software developed in the work can be used for quick decision-making regarding the choice of safe evacuation routes, which is one of the most important problems of the life safety of the population.



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