


Method of reducing the time of operational deployment by the first emergency rescue department


Dmitry Belyuchenko

National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine


Denys Lovin

National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine


Alexandr Soshinskiy

National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine


Viktor Strelets

National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine


Igor Khmyrov

National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine




Keywords: operational deployment, fire and rescue vehicles, modeling, ranking



The application of experimental research planning methods showed that the obtained multifactor models of operation of the system "rescuer – rescue equipment – emergency" should be the basis of appropriate methods to reduce the time of operational deployment of fire and rescue vehicles by the first rescue unit during emergencies. The basis of this methodology is the development and verification of operational and technical recommendations in accordance with the maximum differences in one-factor models obtained in the center and at the edges of factor space for three-factor polynomial models in normalized variables. deployments of fire and rescue vehicles by the first operational and rescue unit, provides for the sequential implementation of four procedures, namely: their simulation (in that case physical modeling) in accordance with the 3x3x3 plan, taking into account the factors that characterize the person (personnel of the rescue unit), equipment (fire and rescue vehicles and their equipment, rescue equipment, etc.) and environment (operational conditions rescuers' activities); expert substantiation of recommendations for implementation; selection of operational and technical recommendations for implementation in regulatory documents based on the results of statistical assessments of how effective their implementation is. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that to apply the chosen approach it is necessary to obtain a large amount of source data. In addition, a significant limitation of the developed approach is the need to involve highly qualified experts at all stages of the methodology.



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