

Model of the process of disposal of 100 mm artilery shots UBK10 9М117


Igor Neklonskyi

National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine


Oleg Smirnov

National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine




Keywords: utilization, artillery shots, formalization, multi-channel system, intensity of flow of events



The technology of discharging shots by the method of their disassembly into elements has been developed, which allows to rationally remove all necessary materials. Disposal technology is a process of parallel (simultaneous) execution of individual operations. The formalization of the disposal process into a multi-channel queuing system with a limited queue has been carried out. This allowed the use of operations research methods to conduct a mathematical description of the relevant queuing system and determine indicators of its effectiveness: the probability of failure and queuing; relative system bandwidth; absolute bandwidth of the system; average number of occupied channels; the average number of applications (products) in the queue; average waiting time in the queue; the average number of applications (products) in the system; the average residence time of applications (products) in the system. The research is conditioned by the need to substantiate effective organizational decisions on improving the technological policy of ammunition disposal. The research results make it possible to establish the list and sequence of operations, the time norms for disassembly of the overall product, the list and amount of materials that are removed from the elements of ammunition. Allow to connect the set conditions of the technological process, formalized in a multi-channel queuing system, with the characteristics that show the effectiveness of the organization of work. The use of the proposed mathematical apparatus is relevant to describe the technology of disposal of other missiles and ammunition, provided that the disposal process is parallel, and it can be represented as a multi-channel queuing system with a limited queue. The results of the study can be implemented during the development of an effective mechanism for the disposal of missiles and ammunition, as well as during the examination, hazard identification and increase the level of safety of relevant processes.



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