


Integrated assessment of the environmental state of the Dnipro reservoir


Vitalii Bezsonnyi

Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics 0000-0001-8089-7724


Roman Ponomarenko

National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine


Oleg Tretyakov

Національний авіаційний університет 0000-0002-0457-9553


Yevhen Ivanov

National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine 0000-0001-6781-9238


Pavlo Borodych

National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine 0000-0001-9933-8498


Tetyana Lutsenko

National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine




Keywords: ecological safety of surface waters, integrated water quality indicator, complex water quality index



The choice of a priority indicator of surface water quality for an integral assessment of the ecological state of the Dnieper reservoir is substantiated. The procedure for obtaining a combinatorial index of water pollution was used, the long-term dynamics of the main pollutants of the Dnieper reservoir was analyzed. The calculation of the value of the combinatorial index of water pollution and the relative assessment of the ecological state of surface waters were carried out in two stages: first, for each individual test substance and an indicator of the ecological state of surface waters, then the whole complex of pollutants was considered simultaneously and the resulting assessment was derived. This is done to minimize costs and efforts when monitoring surface waters under normal (non-emergency) conditions. As a result of research, it was established that the quality of water downstream has higher values of the combinatorial index of water pollution, due to the significant anthropogenic impact on the water body. A correlation between the complex index of water pollution and the indicator of biochemical oxygen consumption has been established. The priority indicator for the integral assessment of the ecological state of the water body – BSC5 due to the close relationship with the value of the complex index of water pollution is determined. The correlation coefficient between these values ranges from 0,92 to 0,96. The relationship that exists between the value of the combinatorial index of water pollution and the value of biochemical oxygen consumption makes the indicator of biochemical oxygen consumption important for the integral assessment of water pollution by various organic substances. Therefore, as a priority indicator for characterizing the state of the watercourse and conducting operational monitoring, the indicators of oxygen characteristics are selected. This data is useful and important because it will allow for more optimal use of limited resources when monitoring surface waters and improve river basin management.



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