

Optimization of the technology of firing tracer from small caliber artillery projectile


Ihor Neklonskyi

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine


Oleg Smyrnov

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine




Keywords: utilization technology, artillery projectiles, tracer compound burning, dynamic programming, optimization



A technological process for discharging 23 mm or 30 mm artillery shells has been developed, which ensures effective disposal of the tracer compound from the shells. Automation of the disposal process is achieved by using a special plant for burning the tracer compound, which is formed into a technological line. Ignition of a combustible substance is initiated using an electromagnetic pulse. The economic feasibility of the proposed technology is due to minimal labor costs, maximum productivity, appropriate level of safety and environmental friendliness. The task of evaluating the efficiency of the disposal process has been formalized. This made it possible to optimize decisions regarding the management of such a process. The formalized model is an additive problem of dynamic programming. The parameterization of the conditions of the problem comes down to the fact that during the planning of a multi-stage technological operation, it is necessary to choose management at each stage taking into account all consequences at future stages. The proposed procedure for solving the problem of optimizing the process of managing the disposal of artillery shells for a multi-stage technological operation. The solution involves the choice of a rational solution in compliance with the principle of optimality. The solution to the problem of dynamic programming of the process of disposal of artillery shells is given in a general form. Research is due to the need to justify effective organizational decisions regarding the improvement of the technological policy of ammunition disposal. The results of the research can be implemented by the executors of disposal works. They can be used by state supervision bodies in the field of man-made and fire safety to carry out examination of disposal of ammunition and explosives.



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