

Determination of remaining tire resource emergency rescue vehicles


Volodumur Kokhanenko

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine


Sergiy Ragimov

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine


Оlexander Burmenko

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine




Keywords: diagnostics, residual resource, emergency and rescue vehicles, squads, identification of tire damage, tire defects, operation



The special conditions of operation of emergency and rescue vehicles are considered. It is accepted for consideration that these cars, similar to transport cars, are equipped with modern tires that have improved operational characteristics. However, tiresome destruction of the tire components is inherent in the operation of such tires. It was found that the occurrence of destruction increases with the increase in the dimensions of the products, that is, for truck tires, which does not allow to realize the resource of tires due to tread wear and makes them dangerous for further operation. It was established that the presence of defects worsens the heat dissipation from the frame and from all layers of the tire, which increases their thermal stress state. These phenomena lead to the unexpected sudden exit of tires of emergency and rescue vehicles from operation. Therefore, prevention of premature retirement of tires is an urgent scientific and technical problem. It is proposed to check the actual condition of tires during periodic diagnostics of the technical condition of emergency and rescue vehicles and to remove defective tires from service in a timely manner. An analysis of tire damage and methods of determining their defects was carried out. The methods of diagnosing the internal destruction of tires of emergency and rescue vehicles in the conditions of emergency and rescue squads have been developed. It was established that it is possible to determine the serviceability of a tire and estimate the remaining mileage based on the results of measuring its surface temperature fields. On the basis of the conducted research, a method of diagnosing the presence of hidden defects in the tire in the conditions of emergency and rescue squads using a diagnostic stand with running drums has been developed. The obtained data will allow to improve the safety of emergency and rescue vehicles when following them to the place of call, and are important because the question of determining the remaining tire life of an emergency and rescue vehicle in operation has not yet been addressed.



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