

Effectiveness of the method of territorial placement of fire departments of different functional capacity


Maksym Kustov

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine


Oleg Fedoryaka

National University of Civil Defenсe of Ukraine


Ruslan Kornienko

National University of Civil Defenсe of UkraineХ




Keywords: territorial location, functional capacity, fire departments, optimal traffic route



In order to check the reliability and efficiency of the mathematical model of the spatial placement of fire departments of different functional capacity in local territories with different socio-technological properties, an automated software complex Fire Emergency Department Direction was developed. The software complex allows you to simplify the process of optimizing the territorial placement of fire departments and choosing the optimal route to the fire site. The performed calculations showed that the proposed mathematical model allows to optimize the location of several fire departments relative to potentially dangerous objects in terms of travel time to the place of fire as a determining criterion. The developed software complex based on the mathematical model of the spatial location of fire departments can be used by fire chiefs to automate the management of fire departments and to allocate additional resources. The effectiveness of the developed method of territorial placement of fire departments was verified by comparing the results of calculation of coverage coefficients with the closest method in terms of properties, which was chosen as a prototype and has practical approval. Comparison of calculation results showed that when using the same averaged functional capacity of fire departments in a separate territorial community, the developed method and the prototype give comparable results with an error of about 1 %, while taking into account different functional capacity leads to a refinement of the prototype results by about 15 %. The proposed method of spatial placement of fire departments can be used when checking the compliance of the placement of existing fire departments with the socio-technological properties of the local area, when designing the development of new local areas and arranging citizen assistance centers on the territory of united territorial communities.



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