
Regularities of air consumption during underwater demining of water areas


Ihor Soloviov

Main Director ate of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Kherson region


Yevhen Stetsiuk

National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine


Victor Strelets

National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine




Keywords: underwater demining, air flow rate, sapper diver, statistical analysis, depth, explosive object, autonomous breathing apparatus in compressed air, pyrotechnician, water area, department



Experimental studies were conducted in which participants from the underwater demining de-partment of the group of pyrotechnic works and special diving works of the emergency rescue team of the Main Directorate of the SES of Ukraine in Kherson region, who during the spring-summer 2020 per-formed real search operations on depth of 4 m, 6 m and 7 m and lifting from a depth of 6 m, in the event that there was no possibility of destruction on the spot, explosive objects in the Black Sea, which re-quires its demining. The method of experimental research is proposed, which allows to obtain quantita-tive estimates of air flow, which will characterize the type of operational activities and conditions of its implementation, and to check how significantly each of these factors affects air flow by pyrotechnics during underwater rescue operations in underwater. devices in compressed air. The strength of the re-sults is the definition of reliable indicators (with a significance level of α = 0.05), which can be the basis for substantiation of specific proposals for the organization of work on underwater demining, the choice of personal protective equipment, especially respiratory organs, divers, substantiation tactical and tech-nical requirements for personal respiratory protection both at the stage of their creation and at the stage of acquisition, as well as during the organization of the process of training divers-sappers. The results of statistical analysis of experimental results obtained during the operational activities of the personnel of the submarine demining department of the group of pyrotechnic works and special diving works of the rescue squad of the Main Directorate of the SES of Ukraine in Kherson region showed that at signifi-cance level α = 0.05 the results of air flow in diver sappers are described by the normal distribution. The air flow differs significantly from the nature of the operations performed by personnel and from the depth of the explosive object.



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